Example sentences of "[art] [noun] more [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 In the evening more people arrived : members of a saintly sub-lineage of Janab , Sharifa , who were attached by marriage ; various senior Janab from Ajdabiya , and a young Janab policeman ; and the shaikhs of each of the five major sections of the Zuwaya ( Jlulat , Mannaia , Awlad Amira , Muftah and Shuaghra ) as well as the shaikh of all the Zuwaya , Ibrahim al-Sanusi .
2 ‘ It 's a wonder more people are n't killed , ’ Church said darkly .
3 ‘ I 've had phone calls and letters from old soldiers saying it 's a pity more people do n't raise the Union Jack . ’
4 ‘ It is a miracle more people were not killed . ’
5 ‘ Had that not happened we would 've had a lot more people at the rally .
6 Jeff Rooker , the MP for Birmingham Perry Barr , who retired from Labour 's front bench last year partly to campaign for PR , said : ‘ A lot more people went away from this conference convinced of the merits of the argument than is shown in the vote . ’
7 He should have raced a lot more , beaten a lot more people ; he was certainly capable of it .
8 If he spent less time jetting around on EC business and more solving Britain 's problems , perhaps a lot more people would have jobs , too .
9 There were a lot more people than that .
10 I was gon na say , there were a lot more people when we went to school .
11 There are a lot more people than that , there , I only put one advert .
12 A lot more people got in , and at St Paul 's , just when Alice thought it was impossible for more to get in , five did .
13 Because er as far as I 'd concerned I 'd never heard of air raids before hand you know , know I had n't and I was , as I say , I was only nine and a half I know but er , I did use to speak to a lot more people than most , er lads of that age did like , you know .
14 So i years ago then there was a lot of smaller jobs for a lot more people really ?
15 Now at the ages of 15 , 16 and 18 we speak to a lot more people , we know the staff a lot better and we take part in things such as karaoke and adult games etc , we do not go to the amusements and swim much now that we are older .
16 You get , you know the slings and arrows but they do n't hurt you , you , you get a lot more people who appreciate what you do than slings and bats .
17 We 've had a hell of a lot more people , now than we had .
18 He has done a lot of thinking and he has concluded the labour party is finished for him and I think a lot more people will do the same .
19 ‘ We reckon that there were about 14,500 Derry supporters at the semi-final and of course a lot more people want to see the final , ’ points out Patsy , ‘ However , we only receive 2,000 stand and 7,000 terrace tickets so you can see the extent of the problem we face . ’
20 Today there are a lot more people who see the benefits of quality . ’
21 Yeah , there 's a lot more people .
22 I mean if they 'd of banned it , there 'd of been a lot more people out of work , which is
23 Firstly , thank you very much Kevin , for the tribute , but there 's a heck of a lot more people need their names included in that list and I think one of them 's just joined it .
24 if the school did n't say do n't smoke a lot more people would .
25 Before you used to have specialist machinery , but now you can go to a shop in your own town and pick up spares so a lot more people are going over .
26 There 's still probably a lot more people thought who saw things out there , and we 'd still like them to contact us at Cowley if they 've any information as to who the offenders are .
27 So because we 're doing something from our normal end of the spectrum as it were right through to trying to involve everybody in the city , erm we 're hoping to get the issue across to a lot more people , and also raise money while we 're doing it .
28 I have taken a couple more roach to hemp and reckon i have about 14 lb in the net .
29 There was a kind of tension that perhaps could have been alleviated if they had a couple more people with them , ’ he says .
30 Yes , let's not open up the debate about chairmanship of meetings er , got a couple more people
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