Example sentences of "[art] [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 Since the water had to be raised to the top of the acropolis over a distance of a kilometre , this saved the construction of an aqueduct 100 feet high over this long distance .
2 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
3 Certain of his actions — including misleading the board over a transaction with Peter de Savary concerning a property development at Canvey and then concluding it without board approval — amounted to breaches of his fiduciary duty to Blue Arrow , the report says .
4 Warnock had admitted stealing the money over a two-year period while she was the toy library 's treasurer .
5 Barclays Bank is making the grant over a three-year period to encourage independent companies .
6 She has not seen him since half past six , when they met in the kitchen over a salami sandwich .
7 They were sitting in the kitchen over a cup of tea .
8 However , at Cosmeston the archaeologist has the opportunity to excavate a large portion of the settlement over a long period of time and to use the results to shed light on sites where the excavators have not been so fortunate .
9 This is because the EDSP is the average value of the index over a 20-minute period , and the prices used in computing the index are the midprices of the quotations , not the last traded prices .
10 Their symbolic action was swiftly curtailed when the occupants were given ten minutes to leave and , despite their bravest efforts , watched the waiting bulldozers push the building over a cliff into the sea .
11 Nylon bristles are not to be recommended because they are likely to create static electricity in the coat and may actually damage the hair over a period of time .
12 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
13 She was followed soon afterwards by Dr Greenaway , the BDA 's President who had rendered magnificent service to the Association over a period of thirty years .
14 By getting his colleagues to admit pupils to their lectures after Vial 's death , apparently waiving the customary fee of 10 guineas , he helped the College over a difficult patch , but may unwittingly have set an unfortunate precedent which suggested that preclinical veterinary teaching could be done as well in a medical as in a veterinary context .
15 Just as important is the talk over a cup of tea at the end when members share common problems .
16 If this analysis is accepted , then it is clear that the attempt over a long period of time to protect the position of those living in privately rented accommodation has failed and has , in fact , made the position worse .
17 The Manor was an important landmark during the annual and ancient custom called the ‘ perambulation of Purton ’ , during Rogation Tide in May , when a large procession , headed by the clergyman , would beat the bounds over a period of two days .
18 Itzhak Shamir , the Prime Minister and Likud leader , announced at the end of a Cabinet meeting on Dec. 31 that he was dismissing Weizmann from the Cabinet , claiming that Weizmann had maintained contacts with the PLO over a period of time .
19 This includes massaging the prostate gland and massaging the urethra over a metal sound .
20 Important as the price of oil may be , the uncertainty over a possible physical shortage of supply was an equally compelling concern , with IEA active in formulating contingency plans for stock sharing in this event .
21 DAVID PLATT received a ticking-off from Graham Taylor last night for keeping the England boss in the dark over a knee injury which threatens to prevent him playing against Turkey next week .
22 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
23 The result over a two year period is a range of display material that has been exclusively designed and manufactured , and is now available to retailers throughout the country .
24 The rural development centre CEPROR ( Centro de Romocion Rural ) ran special courses for young women , Sister Asuncion , who was in charge of the programme over a period of two years ( 1975–7 ) , helped train approximately 2.000 young women in community work .
25 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
26 She was stirring milk into the roux over a low heat when Annie finished her currants and announced , ‘ Wanta-wee , wanta-wee . ’
27 The fraud involved creation of false profits and stocks in the books over a seven-year period through use of purported contracts , which in reality did not exist , with third world countries .
28 At least the night held more relevance for the manager of England who , though watching a Dutch side deprived of most of its foreign-based players , now had a chance to run the rule over a Brazil team finally set to play at Wembley on March 28 .
29 You can generate the dust by rubbing the Polychromos Pastels against fine sandpaper , a practical use for small remnant pieces that would otherwise be difficult to use up , or you can do as I do and spread the dust from very lightly applied pastel strokes , placed to allow a very deliberate development of the effect over a localised area .
30 Erm we also wanted to implement a plan er and this is an ongoing er situation of admitting er young blood to the partnership over a period of of erm five years or so , again that 's a rolling programme
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