Example sentences of "[art] [noun] three time " in BNC.

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1 The kitten had to go to the vet three times in as many weeks and was more expensive than the baby .
2 ( Nithard , quite exceptionally , repeats the day twice and the hour three times . )
3 He has now completed the marathon three times and this year achieved his best time of 3 hours 39 minutes , coming 8,348th out of 27,000 runners .
4 The officer told the defendant three times that he considered two pickets at each entrance were sufficient but the defendant , persisting in his intention to join the pickets , ‘ pushed gently past ’ the police officer , ‘ was gently arrested ’ , and was charged with obstructing the police in execution of their duty .
5 Thus if a particularly irate husband pronounced the words three times in the heat of the moment the divorce was permanent and could not be reversed .
6 The Course as a whole has been presented for validation and revalidation to the CNAA three times .
7 In Monitor 21 April , p 148 , a gremlin made the Universe three times too big .
8 I have raised the question three times , and it is about time that something was done about it .
9 She mounted the pavement three times .
10 He waters the plants three times a week .
11 We did not have the time to visit the swimming-pool three times a week , and we were not interested in pumping iron or trundling around on an exercise bike every morning .
12 A mini-bus operates to and from the town three times a day although car hire is recommended for the less energetic .
13 Boro took the lead three times through Alan Kernaghan , Tommy Wright and Willie Falconer but each time were hauled back through Les Ferdinand , Gary Penrice and Sinton 's first-ever penalty for Rangers .
14 ‘ We did n't know if another bomb had been planted on another platform , ’ admitted Miss Godfrey , who uses the station three times a week .
15 He had his hands on the ball three times in one spilling maul .
16 To make things easier , your team can hit the ball three times before knocking it over , though neither team member can hit it twice in succession .
17 Having changed the overdrive three times , and as this is not a common problem , we can dismiss this as being at fault .
18 Rummy who will again lead the parade on National Day , is immortalised by a life-size bronze statue after winning the race three times and finishing second twice between 1973 and ‘ 77 .
19 The Amateur Championship begins there on Tuesday , and McEvoy would like nothing better than to emulate Mike Bonallack and Joe Carr as the only golfers since the War to win the title three times .
20 Roll the head three times to the left , then three times to the right , breathing easily all the time .
21 The first of them was the Breton Louison Bobet , who rode into Paris at the head three times running from 1953–5 .
22 Children with rickets were passed naked through the hole three times and then drawn along the grass three times in an easterly direction .
23 It forced me out of the attic three times a day to discover my new surroundings and meet the local people .
24 The indoor heated pool is free to guests , as is the sauna three times a week .
25 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
26 Since that caravan site encounter , Jean has met the woman three times , in more restrained mood .
27 We gathered round , and before Moustaine was satisfied we had shouted the song three times into the mouthpiece of the small radio as the wind howled around us .
28 Bridhe lifted the baby , slipped a magic coral and rowan-berry necklace over his head and walked sun-wise round the bed three times for good fortune , before taking the child down to the hall to present him to his father , to Eachuinn Odhar and the clansmen assembled .
29 The kitchen clock whirred and struck three — that is , its hammer flailed the air three times , having been bent by Mrs. Jordan , the cook , so that it would fail to strike the chimes .
30 ‘ He does the journey three times a day and does more for that community than any amount of social workers , teachers or vicars , ’ enthused Mr Gregory .
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