Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One final question seems pertinent : What would the response have been had Mr Brettell 's offence involved instead an undercover policewoman ?
2 The contents of the Will list were similarly rearranged .
3 Should the Germans have been surprised ?
4 If the parties did not intend the interest to be forgiven , might not the contract have been rectified ( if the argument based on consideration had failed ) ?
5 But would the story have been told in quite the same way if I had been black , or a woman , or nearer their own age and social background ?
6 What would the album have been like if you had n't gone there ?
7 If , in Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. v. Grant [ 1936 ] A.C. 85 , the plaintiff had been a babe in arms less than 12 months old , who had worn the defective singlet instead of Dr. Grant , could the action have been defeated by the knitting mills proving that the mills negligently manufactured the goods before the infant plaintiff was born ?
8 It had occurred to her that most products came in a variety of sizes and offered a wide choice , but she felt the cosmetic trade was too dictatorial about what the customer should buy .
9 ‘ Would n't the car have been searched ? ’
10 Would the result have been the same if the original agreed price for the carpentry had been a fair price ?
11 ‘ Could the guards have been mistaken ? ’ asked Duncan .
12 When will the tendering process be opened for the craft to which he referred in his statement ?
13 The designers were facing the question : - Can the search space be kept within manageable proportions until this disambiguating information is reached , or should one try to find the ‘ narrow ’ point and start from there ?
14 Young growing fish need a high quality diet , not only should the protein content be high ( around 40% ) but it should be of good quality and be readily digestible .
15 For example , Hemming 's account of lands disputed between the bishopric of Worcester and Evesham Abbey does not accord with other evidence , and nor does the Ramsey chronicle 's version of the difficulties experienced by their abbot early in Cnut 's reign .
16 And how far back can the Neanderthal lineage be traced ?
17 So what does the expert reckon is the best car to buy ?
18 How could the anxiety have been avoided ?
19 The May record is of a bird which remained at Piddinghoe until 13 May 1956 .
20 The May blossom was out , however , and there was green everywhere , in lawns and trees , and in shrubs and bushes , together with purple pansies and statues , while in the background birds sang .
21 At £1,622 million , the May figure was less than two percent down on the April total of £1,651 million .
22 Lipman 's column in the May issue was fetchingly entitled : ‘ I found myself weeping over an economy-sized box of tampons ’ .
23 My machine is a Brother 890 and last week I bought a ribber , so the letter from A. M. Roberts-Jones in the May issue was very helpful .
24 How can the council tax be easy to collect if the people who are responsible for collecting it simply do not know how much they must collect from each household ?
25 But seldom will the visitors have been more welcome than they are today .
26 Might not the Buddha have been saying that the self is none of these constituents , nor all of them in combination , but something other , something that owns , uses and directs these faculties ?
27 How , then , can the circular flow be extended to include all these other flows ?
28 Sun worshippers , however , who feel the anti-sun lobby are simply killjoys can take heart because a safe tan does actually exist .
29 The can chair was then put in and where the dark plants in the garden met the paler grass .
30 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
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