Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] i " in BNC.

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1 We had sex in the park and I felt a tremendous nausea for what I had done .
2 And I thought to myself no I 'm not gon na go out , I did start to go out the park and I thought no .
3 Yeah , well , thank you Chairman , I I I 'm erm er , I must admit , I 'm I I am think long and and and er think deep really , about er , you know , changes such as this , but I I also er , er have to run my own businesses , and er , I just er , I think we have experienced a water-shed , it 's coincided to some extent with the change of administration and then during the nineteen eighties , we had to a boom in this county , we had the the opportunity and I never er ever er , been against that principle , of er , of er , using our actual receipts we have hidden reserves , we we talked about the reserves of twenty nine million pounds here , for the er , erm , we have er er , assets of twenty nine million , in an earlier paper .
4 Er certainly the surplus was used to er create a new scheme for the present contributing members and er to the maximum benefit of the new sponsoring company , which er in the pensioners view er certainly er caused a great lack of security to the fund in our view of what they have done and er it is of in our opinion a matter of public concern and that we welcome the opportunity and I believe that you said previously that you 're gon na come up on the ownership of surplus , so perhaps getting away from it
5 My Lords for reasons that have already been explained to Your Lordships and which I will not pursue yet for , er it seems that everybody 's agreed that it is important that the erm local authority representatives should be in the majority and I have to admit that my amendments do not go that far because I was concentrating on getting the magistrates back where they ought to be , er but er that is one thing , the other is that it er was an interesting point that er the Noble Lord , Lord of Greenwich raised , that my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw er at columns four eighty and four eight one er questioned whether it was indeed appropriate that er the Home Secretary should make these appointments .
6 They differ from the authorities now being proposed in that the local authority representatives currently are clearly in the majority and I have no doubt My Lords that the authorities in consequence see their loyalties lying towards the district councils and the communities that they represent .
7 ‘ This news has justified the exams and I was thrilled when I heard .
8 I sent away and passed the exams and I became a policeman , but I always wanted to become a policeman when I , from about eighteen or nineteen it 's just that I drifted the wrong way .
9 Yes , cos they usually all water underneath there and that used to be pumped out , every so often the engine room would pump all that out and to heat any water up the cabins there used to be a , a small pump what used to pump the fresh water into the boiler and I used to have a a piece of er copper off that and just turn the steam on a little bit put it into a bucket of cold water and then instead of driving the pump that 'd go into the , the er bucket and heat the water and boil it .
10 ‘ The more effects you use the more you lose the original signal of the guitar and I like the fact that it sounds like a guitar and it sounds really twangy .
11 ‘ They do all the performing and I just sit around watching them ! ’
12 Many people reckon we are all a bit loony spending all our spare time going round the non-League grounds of the M/SV but I can think of one really good reason for doing it .
13 They will follow the G and I ca n't , so it means I shall drop out of politics altogether .
14 The prince and I have a close affection one for the other .
15 ‘ If by the other , my lady , you refer to the regard the prince and I have for each other , pray be assured it is not pain I feel — but joy , deep joy .
16 ‘ My lady , the prince and I share a great fondness … ’
17 The Prince and I , ’ he continued , ‘ have arranged a sumptuous banquet this evening . ’
18 Your reception was not courteous , but the Prince and I had other matters to discuss .
19 I have already attempted something in this vein , but there are those who deal distantly with such realities , and the prince and I , both , suffer from them hardly less than Owen does .
20 I had n't even noticed the pickets and I can only presume that they had parted before me as I walked towards them as they still do today .
21 In any case , Stephen 's mother uses Hilary as an excuse to stay on at the Manor and I want rid of her . ’
22 In theory Benjamin was Lord of the Manor and I , a true man of the world , his steward , his trusted servant and bosom friend .
23 They got the feeling that we were on the ropes and I , I mean if
24 and er when I was going through the change and I 'm post menopause er and having terrible feelings , I 'd nowhere to go !
25 I think erm yo e you know you asked about the support and I think having identified that there was a gap in the support in
26 A local man offers to ferry me across the fjord and I am soon on the way to Holt .
27 He said oh dear that really puts us in the shit and I said er well I 'm not .
28 I come on the bike and I ca n't have it .
29 I do n't know if you remember but ages ago , round about October time she borrowed some stuff for the Brownies , for erm , for Sian , Sian was going camping and she had n't got shorts or anything , so she borrowed it off me , I was thinking of Stacey starting , I wanted the t I 'm not bothered about the shorts , but I want the T-shirt and I 'm just gon na get Stacey the culottes and she can wear her shorts and the cardigan with it buy , when she first starts and then we could , Deana 's moving up to Guides this , so she can have that sweatshirt of er , I mean they 're nine pound
30 ‘ I did like The Chameleons and I still do .
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