Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 After training sessions , keep any literature or handouts together with the forms so that you build up your own references to guide you .
2 These , together with marksheets and LEA reports , are produced on a turnround basis ; specific computer files are created at the point of printing the forms so that subsequent data entry can be reduced to a minimum of keystrokes .
3 The whole system usually depends on gravity — which means the cold water storage cistern must be above the highest point of the hot water cylinder ( usually the hot water draw-off ) , and the hot water cylinder must be above the boiler so that the heavier ( cooler ) water falls and the lighter ( heated ) water rises through the various connecting pipes .
4 Around 70% of the area 's population and business are linked to digital exchanges and BT is already considering upgrading the remainder so that soon anyone in the Highlands can be ISDN-linked .
5 ‘ If I am the target , though , I can be the shield so that others can carry on with their jobs .
6 He has used the old classical forms in the suite so that the music is reminiscent sometimes of Mozart , sometimes of Bach , or Handel , or Gluck .
7 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
8 Banks of muscles are attached to the backbone so that the tail can be beaten from side to side with unflagging strength throughout the fish 's life .
9 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
10 and really got the momentum going and that it was the middle peasants that he needed to get the support so that they can move forward and have a revolution .
11 One source told The Scotsman yesterday that if the situation deteriorated further , the pit might have to be closed temporarily and kept on a care and maintenance basis only .
12 This is recognised by s 17(3) of the SGSA which amends s 7(4) of the UCTA so that it applies only in cases where s 7(3A) has no application .
13 One reason for having that meeting is to reform the institutions so that they can cope with a second wave of new members , this time from Eastern Europe .
14 Fortunately it was possible to contain the flames so that only the Redoutensaale , relatively uninteresting eighteenth-century reception rooms remodelled in the nineteenth century and latterly used for conferences , were destroyed .
15 Harvey took a measure of the wind with a little spinner and then reparked the VW so that the lights would show the pilot the direction of the wind .
16 Trustees of Ferranti family shareholdings in the company wrote back saying there was an urgent need to reinforce the board so that proposals and the inevitable approaches that the company would receive could be reviewed by a strengthened board .
17 Although the guest may no longer be there — gone home — his name remains on the board so that the orderly upward progression might continue , thus ensuring fair distribution of fishing .
18 However , the Article dealing with special remuneration drew a distinction between the Board and a committee of the Board so that as a matter of construction ‘ the Board ’ in that context meant the Board and not the committee .
19 The Court of Appeal stated that the Board did have a duty to act fairly which entailed granting B and K the opportunity to satisfy them of matters in the statute , and to let B and K know the impressions of the Board so that they might be dispelled ; but the Board did not have to quote ‘ chapter and verse , ’ nor did it have to disclose the source of its information if it would be contrary to the public interest , nor did the reasons for the refusal have to be given .
20 Fold each side of the rectangle into four or five pleats , and pin them side by side along the top edge of the board so that each pleat falls into a soft fold across the swag , forming a gentle curve ( fig. 46 ) .
21 We decided to draw our internal auditors from operational staff across the board so that over a few years everyone would have the opportunity to be an auditor as well as being audited themselves .
22 There was an air of concentration around the board now that the lesser players had been removed from the Game .
23 I it , it was , it was alright f for people wh who were used to that sort of thing but I mean they had n't all the mechanization in the mines then that they have now .
24 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
25 Nesri qualifies this with " in the beginning of [ Mehmed II " s ] sultanate " but joins Molla Yegan with Molla Husrev ( d. 885/1480–1 ) , Molla Zeyrek ( d. 879/1474–5 ? ) and Hocazade ( d. 893/1488 ) in the sentence so that the possible inference that he died earlier rather than later in Mehmed II's reign is rendered doubtful at best .
26 Or you can rewrite the sentence so that the plural pronoun is used : Readers will find their expectations satisfied .
27 Knowledge of the bull overshadowed the discussions in the 1555 English parliament on the Bill restoring annates and tenths to Rome , contributing to the strength of anti-papal sentiment and forcing the government to redraft the measure so that these taxes would remain in the hands of the English church rather than accrue to the pope .
28 Interactions are continuous and ongoing , and it is the interactions now that are important for the cohesiveness of the group .
29 Modernity has been a bit like that in the last thirty years , except that as the story progresses , faster and faster — with many Enlightenment doctrines reappearing in new form — new lines keep being added to the narrative so that no one knows how the story will end .
30 It remains the case today that most people in Britain marry and have children and that most marriages last a lifetime .
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