Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] back " in BNC.

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1 The erm the views coming back from the consultant were obviously er so follow occasions but not dramatically so .
2 The head man could get bitten , the tail man could get doused with noisome excreta — and if they both missed their grasp , then the middle man got both bad ends of the snake coming back at him at the same time .
3 Sun expects Dragon to plough through the logjam holding back diffident customers from committing to Unix because pricey Unix servers ca n't handle the load .
4 You could see the prisoners looking back at the two bodies in the centre of the carnage ; there was a lot of blood now , spreading in pools .
5 The families we who 've used our arts centres in other parts of the country have been influenced erm not just by the quality of art work on display , but also by the fact they can get decent beer and erm good , cheap food erm and the children and the other parts of the family have got plenty of other activities to take an interest in and I think it would need the university to think seriously about developing the social side of the Gardener Centre in those terms , and that 's why it was deeply disappointing to find the university pulling back on their subsidy for the Gardener Centre as that really ca n't help anybody find the most appropriate role for the building .
6 Leonard Coote , President has a record of service to the Association extending back in excess of 30 years when he was first elected a branch representative .
7 She banished the horrible image from her mind ; the contorted face , the eyes rolling back as Irina fell after the blow to her head .
8 ‘ I felt I had the momentum coming back from 40–0 , ’ the Australian , French and US Open champion added .
9 During the refurbishment programme the ledgers dating back to 1717 were taken into Archive Department 's collection where they will be looked after professionally , and many objets d'art were temporarily removed from the building for safe-keeping and restoration .
10 In his chair he saw the familiar features of the president looking back at him , the face he knew so well from his television set and the newspapers .
11 The erotic implications of the subject , the motif of the figure holding back the curtain and the very prominent position of the still lifes , call to mind such works by Cézanne as l'Eternel Féminin , the various Temptations of St. Anthony and the Après-Midi à Naples .
12 Sheila had not moved from the settee , and Morse stood in the doorway looking back at her : ‘ Do n't you know ? ’
13 Round and round she went , just scared enough to hold on tight to the pole , the wind blowing back her spread of straight golden hair .
14 He saw the boat heading back towards him , and at one stage she came to within fifteen yards of him .
15 And er she 'd tried to get rid of it and she could n't , so she found out her husband was coming home , he was actually in the boat coming back and she did n't know what to do .
16 And I went er in the boat coming back er from Canada was far worse as the one going acro but we went to Boston and we stayed out in the harbour there and then we sailed down the coast into New York , which was a great sight .
17 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
18 Songs spoke of drink , drugs , injustice and the underdog fighting back , although some were simply love songs .
19 I do n't want the mess spreading back into my working world .
20 We watch the insects in the headlights zinging back and forth without apparent logic .
21 In the passage leading back to the northbound platform of the Northern Line they stopped in a corner , the man got out his mouth organ and the bear began to dance .
22 Seton halted further profitless talk and sent the emissaries hurrying back with a single cannon-shot above their heads .
23 He has a long involvement with the Institute stretching back over four decades and until recently was Chairman of the Membership Board as well as being Senior Vice President .
24 They had spent half an hour with the President , the Director sitting back and letting Rostov take him through all the details of the last few weeks .
25 But really it had got there but again But what I 'm saying is , that service of carriage forward we were making almost as much money on the kit coming back cos we could have charged another
26 2 Equally , there can be no question , in RBL , of the teacher sitting back with his feet up , or worse still , joining the dole queue , while his students gain their education from impersonal sources .
27 Er and I always used to think it must be extremely , they 'd hear them going out at night and you know then count the planes coming back .
28 I ca n't ever see the factories coming back that used to be with , you know they 're all be smaller work loads now
29 He is clearly desperate to fit in , something which turned the renovations into an architectural method trip , with the actor flying back from film shoots to hassle the builders about saving any historical detail they could , no matter how trivial , so that the building retained its local character .
30 I 'm fit and can feel the confidence flowing back again . ’
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