Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 If an " add " instruction is being executed , the hardware of the computer examines the tag fields of the two operands , and selects the correct form of " add " , whether the fixed-point , short or long floating-point , decimal digit string , or some other data-type .
2 It is far from notional to suggest that the activities characteristic of the rivers and playing fields of late nineteenth-century Oxford and Cambridge were load-bearing supports underpinning the moral structure of British and imperial society .
3 Erm but if this trend continues , I can see them shooting down the activities side of this this place and just using it as an advice centre .
4 Joint UK-Italian proposals on Oct. 4 envisaged that the WEU would develop aims " not contradictory but compatible " with its becoming " the defence component of the [ European ] union " .
5 The Western European Union ( WEU ) would become " the defence component of the Union " .
6 He had every hope that his longer-term plans would reduce the Defence share of the GDP from 7. 1 per cent down to 5 per cent by the end of his five-year programme .
7 They are completely incompatible with the defence policies of NATO , and can not be reconciled with Labour 's policy as currently declared .
8 On the issue that the Secretary of State has just discussed with the defence spokesman of the Ulster Unionist party , the hon. Member for Fermanagh and South Tyrone ( Mr. Maginnis ) , while holding that it should be a weapon in the armoury of any civilised Government to take out of circulation those who are seeking to destroy , murder and maim , will he give a full assurance to the House that he will undertake that act , if he has to do so , as a British Minister responsible to this House , and not in cliques with the Dublin Government who say that they would need to approve such a move ?
9 Stane Brovet , the Deputy Defence Minister , also warned the defence committee of the Federal Assembly on May 8 that the JNA had exhausted existing ways of trying to avert ethnic conflict , and he accused republic leaders and the media of creating a fratricidal atmosphere .
10 If agreement can not be reached on this compromise before next week 's deadline , the ministry will use the Defence Act of 1854 to abolish all rights of common .
11 The defence work of solicitors in criminal cases
12 In the military sphere the measures which Kang suggested included the exchange of military personnel and information , the notification of significant troop movements and the establishment of a " hot-line " telecommunications link between the Defence Ministers of the two states .
13 Meeting in Budapest on March 6 the defence ministers of Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland sought to co-ordinate policy towards NATO 's North Atlantic Co-operation Council ; they committed themselves to an " open barracks " policy along similar lines to the existing " open skies " policy but stressed that they wished to act in the spirit of dialogue and consultation rather than to set up a closed grouping .
14 The defence minister of Syria , which has sent a division of tanks to help Saudi Arabia , admits to having felt ‘ overwhelming joy ’ at the missile attacks on ‘ occupied Palestine ’ .
15 Luka Bebic , the Defence Minister of Croatia , resigned on Sept. 18 and was replaced by Gojko Susko , his deputy .
16 Everett , about 30 miles north of Seattle , has a not-quite-finished ‘ home port ’ , one of several relatively small bases started at the height of the defence build-up of the Reagan years .
17 It was agreed that the split " should not lead to the weakening " of " the defence interests of either of the republics " .
18 It was agreed that the split " should not lead to the weakening " of " the defence interests of either of the republics " .
19 And if we were to cut further in any significant way , then we would undermine our capacity to look after the defence interests of our country .
20 Representatives of the defence industries of the four countries also lobbied for the continuation of the project .
21 The most glaring contrast is between the EC and the defence alliance of NATO .
22 The vehicle used , as on many occasions in the past , was Chapman Pincher , the defence correspondent of the Daily Express who on 19 June entertained George Brown , the ebullient and unpredictable Labour politician , to lunch at the Ecu de France restaurant .
23 He was the defence correspondent of his paper and I was n't surprised to hear he 'd served in the military .
24 Some remarks made at the time by the defence correspondent of a major London weekly are representative of a good deal of professional opinion expressed both then and since .
25 In many plants , secondary compounds are concentrated in the trichomes and , for example , a ketone is thus concentrated in the hairs of tomato plants , but that same ketone has been found in the defence secretions of termites and caterpillars .
26 The Security Service is part of the Defence Forces of the country .
27 The Security Service is part of the Defence forces of the country .
28 The Ferranti family 's demands came to light as a result of an approach by representatives of Hill Samuel and Murray Johnstone , who are canvassing support among shareholders for a plan to make Ferranti hive off its core UK defence interests and merge them with the defence activities of Thorn EMI .
29 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
30 The wound response of tomato plants can be inhibited by salicylic acid and agents like fusicoccin that affect ion transport , and wounding by heat or physical injury produces electrical activity that has similarities to the epithelial conduction system used to transmit a stimulus in the defence responses of some lower animals .
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