Example sentences of "[prep] women to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anthropologists ' study of human societies on this planet [ has ] revealed the condition of women to be a direct result of their peoples ' perception of their mysterious , fearsome , monthly flow of blood . ’
2 The NHS will uphold the ‘ right ’ of women to be treated by women GPs and consequently rig the number of women who become doctors .
3 The total amount of time taken up in such social exchanges or interactions in this sample is in fact relatively small : a division of housewives into three groups according to the proportion of work time thus occupied — less than twenty-five per cent , between twenty-five and fifty per cent , more than fifty per cent — revealed the majority of women to be in the first group ; there was no significant relationship with work satisfaction patterns .
4 Thus , analysing the attempt by political philosophers to justify the exclusion of women from public life on the grounds of their defective capacities ( either rational , moral or cognitive ) , she suggests that there is a hidden argument which takes the exclusion of women to be unquestionable and attempts to justify the status quo by seeking an explanation in the defective capacities that women must then be assumed to have .
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more insulting to women — whether it is said by women or men — than talk of setting targets for the number of women to be in top posts ?
6 In Hinduism there is a burden placed on women to be responsible for protecting the community from their potential ‘ pollution ’ .
7 I believe the enormous pressure put on women to be skinny is the most important feminist issue in Western society .
8 Eating disorders tend to come from childhood , or problems , or ways people have approached food in the past and the pressure is on women to be slim to fit into these categories are er , just more pressures that make it very difficult for somebody who has an eating disorder to sort the problem all these pressures just make it more difficult .
9 Their request , therefore is that the NBCW provides a regular input expressing as far as is possible , the concerns and views of women in the Church on topics which seem to women to be most crucial or fundamental .
10 LEGISLATION enabling the Church of England General Synod to provide by canon for women to be ordained was overwhelmingly approved yesterday .
11 These laws are not perfect and will not satisfy everyone in the Church , but they will achieve provision for women to be ordained as priests — and at the same time seek to respect the consciences of those opposed .
12 They maintain that the wish for women to be ordained derives , at least partly , from an overemphasis on the ‘ importance ’ of the priest .
13 And that 's why it is wrong for women to be financially penalised when they have children .
14 We discussed pressures from the media for women to be slender .
15 Fortunately nowadays the need for women to be wholly involved in the birth process is more widely recognized , and it is better understood that technology is not the only priority for a safe and acceptable birth .
16 1,400 ready to become priests as they win a historic vote FOURTEEN hundred women who want to be Anglican priests got the green light yesterday when the church 's ruling body voted for women to be ordained .
17 The 5ft 9in model and actress with a 38-23-36 figure said it made a change for women to be seen as tough and strong .
18 It seems that it is of continuing importance for women to be able to call upon relatives to assist them with child care , and that this still is a key element in women 's organization of their daily lives , as it has been in the past ( see for example Roberts , 1984 ) .
19 It is very usual in meetings for women to be asked and to be expected by the men present to serve the coffee !
20 Meanwhile she has given the impression that , by looking to the earliest community of women and men , she has found a way for women to be Christian .
21 In so far as they do , they are troubled : they try to find a way for women to be represented in a religion where the Godhead is conceived in male terms , and a way indeed to be able to associate themselves with a male God or Christ .
22 The gaps in our data do not make it possible to say anything of statistical value , merely to point out that the evidence fragmentarily available suggests that it was by no means exceptional for women to be sole breadwinner in a household , usually in three precise sets of circumstances : in widowhood , with or without children ; after marriage when the husband was away , unemployed or chronically sick ; when unmarried , either living alone or — more frequently in our sample at any rate — caring for and responsible for an elderly parent or sick sibling .
23 Nevertheless , in certain occupations there was still a tendency for women to be over-represented amongst those working on a temporary basis .
24 Now that we do live much longer with better health care generally , what we want is for women to be able to live that last third of their lives in health and being able to enjoy themselves and contribute to the community , not feeling that they 're crippled by pain .
25 There was an emphasis on the need for women to be confident , to set themselves high standards , to believe in themselves whatever the consequences .
26 The opportunities for women to be upwardly mobile within TNCs compared with domestically-owned industries .
27 Due to social changes , women now play a more prominent role in most societies , and it has become more commonplace for women to be seen drinking .
28 Whether in fact there are disadvantages for some men , whether in fact it 's very unusual for women to be the primary bread winner , when the man becomes the primary bread winner then the man holds the economic power .
29 One day women only workshop by lesbian survivors of childhood sexual abuse by women to be held in March .
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