Example sentences of "[prep] social [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Strong individual faith in Islam and Christianity will provide an outlet for social energies rejected by formal politics .
2 For social scientists trained in empirical inquiry this means that the whole theory is invalid because it can never be invalidated by exposing it to analysis in the ‘ real ’ world .
3 Since 1959 , when the Younghusband Report on Social Workers in the Local Authority Health and Welfare Services appeared , there have been systematic training courses for social workers designed to include the welfare of the disabled in their scope .
4 Tunstill attacks practice guides for social workers issued by the Association of British Adoption and Fostering Agencies , for emphasising the removal of parental rights and placement of children for adoption and long-term fostering .
5 ‘ Through Highlander 's programs , many people have been encouraged to find beauty and pride in their own ways , to speak their own language without humiliation , and to learn of their own power to accomplish self-defined goals through social movements built from the bottom up . ’
6 However , both social needs and the range of social policies designed to meet these are constantly changing , whilst social policy itself is not divorced from the economic and political climate in which it is developed .
7 It is difficult to know about the social morality of the peasantry in the early part of the Tokugawa period , but what is clear is that by the 1850s a relatively homogeneous set of social norms prevailed throughout the peasant class , and that their value system was strongly influenced by the agrarian experience .
8 Behaviour , development , appearance , social role , etc. are still judged against a ‘ given ’ of social norms accepted as appropriate goals by the professional and the task is to bring the ‘ deviant ’ individual into line as far as possible , by modifying or repackaging or both .
9 The discussion of social problems related to science is somewhat limited ; the dominant perspective is that of the company which wishes to protect its interests .
10 Opinion polls suggest that a variety of social reforms carried out in Britain in the last few years — the abolition of capital punishment and the liberalization of the law relating to homosexuality , for example — were enacted in the face of popular opposition .
11 All members of society occupy a number of social positions known as ‘ statuses ’ .
12 This is intended , as we saw , to counter explanations of social phenomena grounded in a theory of human nature : there are no essential human traits of interest to social theorists since subjects are constituted by the structured totality .
13 Socialist and communist parties have constantly been fragmented , defeated , and in some cases absorbed by the strength of social forces mobilized on non-class based ideas : such as nationalism , imperialism , religion , racism , fascism and sexism .
14 It has something to do with a person 's occupation , the control and autonomy a person has , the amount of training required in order to do a particular job , the way occupation shapes life chances , income , style of life , the kind of social activities engaged in , the prestige a particular occupation attracts from others , and may be more .
15 From this time , at first in Europe and North America , and subsequently in the rest of the world , a great number of social movements developed — nationalist movements in Central and Southeastern Europe , and later in colonial territories ; women 's movements which were concerned initially with the right to vote ; youth movements ; and a host of smaller , more sectional movements advocating particular causes — while the labour movement continued to advance and engendered a variety of new organizations on a national and international scale .
16 This increasing concern was behind a number of social surveys conducted among students by official bodies , and a greater official vigilance on the campuses during 1988 , according to informed sources .
17 The s the revolution of social services called for a rolling programme and a rolling review and the amendment Mr is utterly meaningless because the matter will be constantly referred back and further considered by social services whatever the amendment says that 's what the original resolution said .
18 Now , by a quirk of history , the machinery for carrying out such schemes of training in drama was not to be found in normal educational administration , but in the huge network of social services administered by the National Council of Social Services , a voluntary body financed by Carnegie Trust which since 1919 had co-ordinated the work of various national organisations such as the Village Drama Society , County Rural Community Councils , British Drama League , the Federation of Women 's Institutes , the National Association of Boys ' Clubs , Townswomen 's Guilds , the Workers ' Educational Association , County Youth Committees , the Standing Conference of Drama Associations and Hull University 's Extra-Mural Department , the only university to take interest in Community Drama .
19 Recent discussions on ‘ time poverty ’ and less recent ones on positional ( ie : intrinsically limited ) goods need to be put into the context of inter generational relations which in turn raise questions of equity and the emergence of social divisions based less on class than on age , gender and stage in life cycle .
20 The site of the original tea house was the culmination of a guest 's journey through the host 's garden , and by the time he reached this destination he would have undergone a slowing-down of life 's hectic pace , ritual purification at the water basin and a whole series of social interactions based on hospitality and formalised responses to what had been encountered on the way .
21 It is also possible that cultural adaptations during this phase may have selected genetic bases for behaviour in ways that ensured the development of social strategies designed to ensure that individuals fitted well into the existing social structure .
22 Set against this picture and parallel to the theory that accompanies and supports it is the idea of the possibility of order as a creation of social instruments ordained for that very task , namely teachers , police , social workers , and perhaps , in the last resort , parents .
23 It aimed at the release of social energies crippled by outworn institutions and archaic policies in order to strengthen the power of the monarchy .
24 In fact , Pearson 's entente cordiale involved a scathing outburst against the type of social inquiries undertaken by local medical offices of health .
25 Alison Chesney , director of the Cranstoun Projects in London , said there was confusion among local authorities and it was difficult to get hold of social workers involved in assessments .
26 The lack of social workers trained in the needs of deaf and hard of hearing people also presents SSDs with a ‘ massive ’ task in upholding users ' rights , says the report .
27 Finally , courts have shown considerable reluctance to allow judicial review of decisions of social workers designed to protect children from abuse , for fear of putting undue pressure on them in the performance of difficult tasks .
28 These interests may be different from other social classes , in which case the society may become stratified , that is , made up of a series of social classes differentiated by status and prestige .
29 So Top Of The Pops is now officially The Worst It Has Ever Been , primarily because one sees the eclectic bunch of social stereotypes known as Undercover stiltwalk their way through their hapless cover of ‘ Baker Street ’ and one thinks , ‘ JESUS CHRIST , YOU PEOPLE DO N'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER ! ! ! ’
30 The first step in this direction will be by way of a discussion of the division of labour within capitalist economies , and the possibilities for the formation of social collectivities connected with this .
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