Example sentences of "[prep] really [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But they apart from Stan do n't look like scoring and er this here is an example of of really superb play .
2 It is sensible , however , to check with editors of really specialist publications wether or not they can use a good picture .
3 While the Ricoll unit was built of really solid metal formed into a proper box this thing is a flimsy as they come .
4 This will be avoided only if adequate progress can be made in developing community services including community hospitals … the release of really substantial resources for deployment in the development of local psychiatric services generally is likely to be achieved only with the closure of a whole hospital .
5 Slash has got a blend of really gritty aggression with the more traditional kind of rock'n'roll stuff .
6 Use water with the chill taken off if possible : if you make up two or three buckets of really hot water before you start you can mix these with the cold .
7 The second point to note about the Ellis and Bowerman surveys is that neither was concerned with cases of really outstanding creativity , of the kind that have been the subject of individual biographical analyses .
8 Tony Bottoms ( 1977 ) has used Durkheim 's ‘ two laws of penal evolution ’ to offer an explanation of the emerging trend towards ‘ bifurcation ’ in British penal policy , whereby less severe punishments for the majority of offenders is combined with harsher measures for the minority of really serious offenders ( see Chapter 1 ) .
9 There is no doubting the substantial culpability of the person who embarks on a course of conduct knowing that there is a risk of death to another ( e.g. the man who administered chloroform in Pike ) , and the person who foresees the risk of really serious harm to another from the course of conduct being pursued .
10 Interception in practice So warrants could be issued only on very limited grounds : either for major subversive or espionage activities , or for the detection of really serious crime .
11 Indeed , it is difficult to justify many of the cases where tapping is strongly suspected on the ground that it was necessary for the detection of really serious crime or to deal with major subversion , even allowing for the very wide definition of subversion announced by Lord Harris of Greenwich in 1975 when he said that
12 or 10,000 MN/m2 but in practice a crystal of really pure iron shears at about 3,000 p.s.i .
13 But the highlight for me was a thumping take on a buzzer which came adrift after a couple of really powerful lunges .
14 The advent of really powerful computers ;
15 In saying this , we are denying the existence of really distant hybridization .
16 Furthermore , there are literally only a handful of really big-time string manufacturers in the world , and a short burst of brain-power will lead you to the correct conclusion that there are a lot of companies buying strings in bulk from the big makers and putting their names on them .
17 It was a tremendous experience and I loved every minute of it , daily training , the fact that you were in company of really good players all the time .
18 Although the room and the whole house was full of really good stuff made or renovated by Dadda , secretly he valued nothing more than this bust .
19 I mean , I knew from my own experience that carers were not getting the help , they were not getting the back-up , so any sort of really good telephone numbers I had laid my hands on got sort of written away in a wee book , and I was lucky enough to come across an association that actually backed up carers and actually were willing to sort of , put their life on the line and say to me , yes , you have got rights and you need support and we are here to give you that support .
20 ‘ I mean , we 've never heard him DJing , we just really liked the stuff he 'd done with Primal Scream , and as for Fluke , well , we 'd heard a lot of really good things about them — plus they 're signed to Creation . ’
21 But in it , it 's wicked , in that , in that cupboard they 've got two pairs of really good walking boots , when Kay saw them she said it 's not their feet , because you see she had the cubs there right from the beginning
22 Spurred on by the promise of really good lighting , more than a million women have already paid to see the Chippendales .
23 I think the main thing is there 's about six hours sort of realistically speaking of really good quality hours to be on your B M S set during the day , and just to sort of add up the hours that you are actually on the phone making outgoing calls , sort of brings it home to you .
24 The benefits to productivity and profitability of really good design are such , however , that such pressure should be resisted .
25 He played an incredible amount of really good pressure bowls , ’ said Duff later .
26 Two lots of really good news . ’
27 ‘ I was really lucky because I had a really great mother who would expose me to a lot of really great things .
28 ‘ I 've bought a bottle of really nice sherry , and some wine .
29 Dad , who in the world would buy a set like that made of really nice pine wood , that low ?
30 She 's met loads of really nice people and does n't know where to put her eyes while the blokes walk past !
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