Example sentences of "[prep] her [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My dearest Honoria , ’ it began , and then went on to enquire lovingly after her and the children .
2 She saw a shadow move across the wall opposite her as the other woman paced violently .
3 Graham took a step towards her but the English-speaking Arab levelled the pistol menacingly at him and ordered him to remain where he was .
4 The success you have in rehabilitating Chloe Joe depends on your sensitivity towards her and the infinite time an patience you are prepared to spend — remember , one lapse of patience could set her back by weeks .
5 And the Queen criticised her son in front of Diana for his behaviour towards her and the children .
6 Believing in her heart of hearts that Nancy would soften towards her and the child once it arrived and made a niche in her heart .
7 Her entire body was shaking , yet the sight of his brown arm reaching out towards her and the confident ring in his voice gave her courage .
8 Again , his fingers teased her , running a path of torturing heat about her thigh , and up over the jutting bone of her hip , close — far too close ! — to that part of her where the aching need had its centre .
9 He brought it out of his trouser pocket , held the straight end and let it uncoil in front of her until the loop swung down .
10 Meanwhile , a famous singer , much loved in the film world , who had kissed Dubcek , found a paste-up photograph of her and the former leader circulating around Prague .
11 The long hours of the night stretched ahead of her and the prospect opened a well of loneliness within her .
12 Then , making a soft purring sound she scattered a handful of maize kernels on to the ground in front of her and the hens stuck out their necks and stalked across .
13 He was instantly taken by the oozy Frenchness of her and the fact that she looked so much like himself .
14 I was downwind of her and the strong perfume nearly knocked me over .
15 I was feeling very romantic , quite worked up at the sight of her and the room was full of the scent of her desire .
16 It 's a forced move and I just ca n't bear the thought of her and the children having to live like that . ’
17 Sister Cooney smiled and looked up at the board in front of her as the bell rang .
18 The floor trembled beneath her as the engine was brutally gunned into life .
19 The walls , curved or octagonal , gleamed into brilliance as Jezrael passed , dying behind her until the next person switched them on by body-heat .
20 There was a click behind her as the office door opened .
21 She closed the door behind her and the conversation came to Meredith as the muffled indistinguishable sound of Harriet 's voice .
22 The heavy timber door closed resoundingly behind her and the heels of her sandals clicked on the stone floors .
23 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
24 If he decided to report her , he could then use her lapse against her when the custody case finally came to court .
25 ‘ Forty of them would have voted against her if the Lord God Almighty had come down and instructed them not to ’ said one minister .
26 erm because I 'd phoned up and asked for them , er my secretary had phoned up and asked for a meeting with her but the response was we 're not allowed to meet with you , so we said okay , cos it 's public money and things
27 Many people have become paupers after their association with her but the pleasure of her company can only be had as long as one is in possession of riches to bestow on her . ’
28 The monk subsequently borrows a hundred francs from the merchant , pays it to the wife and enjoys a night in bed with her while the husband is away .
29 Adam crawled out of the Audi , grabbed Billie and ran with her before the petrol tanks exploded .
30 It was after he had been spending a Sunday with her that the accident happened .
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