Example sentences of "[prep] new [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Considerations in favour of a more flexible approach towards new building in the South East include the need to continue the momentum of the national economic recovery and the search for alternative uses of surplus farmland , but if no firm guidance on this matter is forthcoming in the near future , decentralization is likely to occur more slowly but take place over longer distances .
2 The machines have been priced competitively , bearing in mind the Japanese pricing of Sun Microsystem 's Classic and IBM 's Powerstation , and the launch was timed on the same day as the announcement of new machines in DEC 's Alpha series .
3 The machines have been priced competitively , bearing in mind the Japanese pricing of Sun Microsystem 's Classic and IBM 's Powerstation , and the launch was timed on the same day as the announcement of new machines in DEC 's Alpha series .
4 Cycle begins again with formation of new crystals in the convecting chamber .
5 He 's made mistakes , but like Souness he 's in the painful process of re-building a side with a lot of new faces in the line-up .
6 Seriously though , look out for a couple of new faces in the team — maybe more — and some new first-time winners on the 1991 Tour .
7 With the advent of new life in the forest and fields about Swinbrook village , Tom Hanks and Dolly Quilter arranged to be married in the small chapel alongside Fern Cottage .
8 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
9 Thirdly , new territories have been cultivated , thus extending the agricultural land available , as for example the colonisation of new lands in Amazonia .
10 However , the combined effects of the recession and greater competition caused by the opening of new hotels in nearby Telford , together with a narrow marketing plan , have resulted in bedroom occupancy falling short of the Cassons ' achieved target of 50% .
11 In particular , the group stressed the value of new woodland in screening unsightly developments .
12 Jacques was also fortunate in that within a few months of taking up his appointment , the government 's public expenditure restrictions imposed in the economic crisis of 1931 were relaxed in 1935- 36 with the restoration of progressive grants and the encouragement of new provision in adult education , outlined in the Board of Education 's Circular 1444 .
13 The government wants to speed up the vetting of new materials in dentistry .
14 Later , in their survey of new teachers in school , they argued that teachers who were insecure in their subject material adopted
15 He did buy a couple of new ones in China .
16 During 1989 speculation grew , however , that Indo-Soviet relations had cooled as a result of new directions in Soviet foreign policy , economic restructuring within the Soviet Union , and the availability to India of superior technology from Japan and the USA .
17 But this hero wo n't be quiet , and when our Leader wants to pass thousands of new laws in a matter of half an hour or so , he jumps to his feet and objects .
18 A removable CD-ROM product for laptop computers is among a string of new products in development at SyQuest Technology Inc , founder and president Syed Iftikar told the Robertson Stephens & Co industry conference .
19 But the thrusting company does have lots of new products in the pipeline , he added , to help it on its way .
20 * Personality — which is believed to be significant in the " trickle down " process ( or diffusion ) of new products In particular , opinion leaders may be important in increasing the level of recognition and acceptance of a new product , or in situations where innovatory behaviour is required of the consumer ( for example in purchasing a completely new car model as soon as it is launched ) .
21 This is aimed at providing students with a sound appreciation of the principles of electronic engineering and management techniques required in the development and marketing of new products in the electronics industry .
22 Numerous product initiatives were undertaken in 1992 , notably the creation of new products in Louis Vuitton luggage , the launch of new cosmetics and the relaunch of the first perfume ever created by Christian Dior — ‘ Miss Dior . ’
23 Unlike pop socio-biology , which appeals to the gene as the ultimate and fundamental causal factor in human evolution and behaviour , innate sociality supposes a predisposition in human beings towards the continual absorption of existing meanings and the creation of new meanings in local universes of thought that are constantly being discovered , destroyed , and negotiated anew in the process of social interaction .
24 In part , it can thank the huge cost of cement works which meant there was none of the rush of new entrants in the boom .
25 In some parts of the world the situation is referred to as the post-modern age or ‘ el postmo ’ , indicating the absence of new values in the wake of the bankruptcy of old ones .
26 The rate of entry of new firms in executive search was increasing and the business was becoming more competitive , but there was not yet the demand to support them all .
27 Stuart Gulliver , Chief Executive of Glasgow Development Agency , which is supporting the BVP along with Scottish Enterprise , said the lack of new firms in Scotland had become critical compared to even the rest of the UK , never mind Germany or parts of California .
28 Bormuth 's landmark study ( 1969 ) seemed to offer the promise not only of more valid formulae which would incorporate the results of new insights in linguistics , but also a means of readily assessing whether a person was understanding a text or not .
29 ( 5 ) The Rural Development Bill would encourage farm development and the creation of new towns in rural areas .
30 Louisburg was captured again , and by the beginning of 1759 British forces could close in upon the centre of New France in the St. Lawrence valley .
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