Example sentences of "[prep] people from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A petition signed by hundreds of people from as far afield as Darlington , Ashington and Durham called on the council to repair the lodge and install a cemetery keeper .
2 First we 're talking about de-institutionalisation The Care in the Community circular was concerned with the movement of people from long stay hospital settings into Community settings .
3 A trend was nevertheless apparent for clients to form a ‘ younger group of people from more privileged socio-economic backgrounds than might be expected ’ .
4 In 1917 , after the bombing of Funchal by the Germans , a large procession of people from all over the island walked to Monte to pray for peace , and the local priest promised in his prayers that , if peace came , he would erect a monument to Our Lady of Monte .
5 Hundreds of people from all over the world have come together to talk about elves , hobbits and dragons .
6 Almost a quarter of the couples had engaged in no activity together with people from outside the household .
7 He 's pretty blunt and pretty direct but is not terribly comfortable talking with people from outside his " fraternity " . "
8 An unusual amount of planetary activity now also relates to involvements with people from abroad .
9 As the co-ordinator of a process involving a wide range of different individuals and agencies , the practitioner must be able to communicate effectively with people from very different backgrounds and with different perspectives , attitudes and levels of expertise .
10 He is keen to form links in the community with people from as many varied backgrounds as possible .
11 Internal to Digital there is a roaring football conference conducted over VAXnotes with people from all over the world noting every day .
12 For people from less mobile social groups , the question is more one of continuity than change , however .
13 Moreover country children often discover their syllabuses , materials , examinations , all tend to be framed by and for people from more prosperous environments .
14 I am employed here as a nurse in the premature baby intensive care unit and I 'm certainly kept very busy , the work often made more difficult but challenging in that I work alongside people from around 30 different countries .
15 She knew by instinct that healing change can never be imposed on people from outside .
16 In fact , it 's quite useful to expose him to people from outside the Unit , within reason .
17 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
18 Major industrial partners , like Shell , Hewlett-Packard , and Meiko itself have contributed both money and equipment to help the project to the point where it can offer a reliable multi-user service to people from all over the UK .
19 We are offering the experience of a lifetime , and it seems to appeal to people from all over the world .
20 Any spare spaces available on courses for its own advice workers are filled by people from outside and this helps provide additional professional stimulation for its trainers .
21 The World Wide Fund for Nature is working with local people on a management plan to ensure sustainable use of fisheries and to prevent over-exploitation of fish and timber by people from outside the region .
22 There is a truly beautiful church , with a 12th century chancel arch and a Norman tower , which is visited and admired by people from all over the world .
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