Example sentences of "[prep] people who 've " in BNC.

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1 In addition , when I look at the plight of the millions of people who 've been made homeless recently because of flooding in other parts of the world , it does make me realize how lucky we are as a society that homelessness is still on a much smaller scale here than it is in some countries .
2 ‘ We have a very large number of people who 've been on our books for between a year and 18 months and they are quality staff , people who would have been snapped up within 10 days , three years ago . ’
3 ‘ We 're picking clients up left , right and centre from all sorts of people who 've been charging pretty fancy fees and really failing to do any better than we do , ’ says Michael Read , head of the private client department .
4 Because I had a number of people who 've been on to me talking about the mess on the , on the recreation ground , and asking what it 's for , and as soon as you explain why , you know , it 's been accepted .
5 This time bomb is ticking away , colleagues , and in about twenty years ' time , we 'll be back to where we were we 'll have a lot of people who 've got small pensions , based on their previous employment with a health authority or a local authority , British Gas or the electricity companies then they 've had to go out on the open market and they will be under-funded and have inadequate pension when they retire .
6 Now we 'll see what the government does in response to er all their friends who are going bankrupt in the Lloyds er cos er that , in that scandal , on the one hand you 've got the government trying to save its neck with its forty four MPs who 've had their , had their hand in the till at the same that they 're doing that , they wo n't actually meet the just demands of people who 've worked all their lives to actually have some sort of security in the future , and that 's the ol er sort of double standards they 're gon na try and er and use to get off the hook on that one because they owe people in this country a decent , we should have the right to a decent pension and security , employment and er with this , this campaign , we should be , we should be concentrating on as a major issue for this union in the forthcoming year .
7 We 're sitting in this room and we 're hearing a lot of people who 've had bad experiences with Prozac and other drugs .
8 The long term waiting list is also down to five thousand four hundred , that 's the number of people who 've been waiting a year or more , a third of them for plastic surgery .
9 we should have a core a of people who 've handled records of achievement and done records of achievement and they should you know not everybody has but we should what staff are capable of in terms of doing this has has has moved dramatic and there 's some still who struggle but everybody 's getting more and
10 Erm , that that that that is a point where the discovery in itself , must have given a great deal of pleasure to a a er a number of people who 've been involved in the , in the research .
11 Could I just say sir , this is the re report which is , is made er each year to this committee , to inform the committee of of the work , and I hope members are pleased with the er wide range and volume work which has been carried out , and note in particular the involvement of this service with the public , and the er pleasure of the public and those have made donations , the fact that over eight thousand people have visited , and the number of people who 've erm received lectures and have benefitted from that .
12 Now we have in the room here a tremendous amount of experience , of people who 've been in the industry , people who 've worked with this company for many , many years , and we 've also got people with us who have not been with us very long , and I 'd you to know we may have covered certain aspects of this on sales skills courses just to talk through what the point of the exercise is , I E what we do for a living .
13 She 'll also meet relatives of people who 've died from Aids , including this mother who wrote to the group .
14 So you know there the recoveries are very good , very welcomed by us , but basically we 're two years now since this happened erm pensioners have been suffering extreme mental turmoil for that period , quite frankly they 're , they 're utterly confused , they do n't understand what 's happening and to ask those sort of people to rely and put their s their , their whole future security on the outcomings of out of court settlements where claims are made for two hundred million and there 's a thirty two million you know they 're getting totally confused and I think that that they just do not know what 's happening , they , they want long-term security , we 're now getting an increasing number of people who 've retired since the schemes were wound up and are therefore getting a hundred per cent of their , their money from the company fund , which we 're told is going to run out in two-and-a-half years time .
15 That is the easy option , that 's the option of people who 've got nothing between the ears .
16 Erm now erm a number of people erm , getting on t back on to the handout for a moment , er a number of people who 've reported being b abused as children also report that they do try and tell people , either at the time or shortly afterwards , and this business of not being believed is quite a common report from survivors , not being believed at first .
17 There 's an in er a strong tendency to call the the testimony of people who 've been abused into question in this way .
18 Um going back to this business of people who 've been abused at er as part of , well not exactly abused , people who 've been severely bullied in in sc in the school system , erm particularly when you 're talking about all boys schools , I mean this is one of the problems that they have to contend with .
19 I 've always been skiing with my parents , so I 've been to America to visit friends , and that 's not been like sightseeing , or something , and I just have n't been anywhere , and erm , I mean , I suppose I 've been to a lot more countries than a lot of people who 've , you know , there 's a lot of people who have n't
20 Mm , there 's a lot of people who 've erm , I mean a lot of s all the T V companies are putting programmes on for next week
21 ‘ You find yourself only mixing with people who 've got babies .
22 There was no emotion in my voice , that 's how it is with people who 've been abused , you talk about it as if you 're just calmly stating a fact .
23 Erm you know the difficult thing for me is when I 'm working with people who 've actually been given no notice at all , and that 's happening with lots of organizations where on Friday you 're suddenly told you 've got no job , but your pension 's available .
24 Do you think that the management are aware that they are now dealing with people who 've changed ?
25 In Bosnia , Dr David Owen is sitting at the conference table with people who 've committed genocide every day .
26 another twenty years it 's littered with people who 've failed in this .
27 Offenders are brought face to face with people who 've lost loved ones in drink-driving accidents .
28 And they 're made to come face to face with people who 've lost friends or relatives in drink driving accidents .
29 Erm , particularly erm if you if you if you 're working with people who 've got the as it were the politically correct repertoire er that that yeah alright mhm yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm I know but mhm yeah yeah
30 It 's absolutely massive , yes , it 's a national er campaign , so we 've been recruiting people from all kinds of ways ; direct mail , er getting in touch with people who 've done it for us before , er through magazines and so on and the whole thing has been a major logistical undertaking .
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