Example sentences of "[prep] these [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The skin needs time to settle down after these treatments in order to absorb the essential oils more efficiently .
2 Such work makes an association between psychological writing and apparently non-psychological narrative forms , which points up the ubiquitous but usually denied role of these forms in psychological discourses.i
3 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
4 From Monday September 16 the railway will have had two steam loco 's , one from each of these lines in regular use but the stay ends after this weekend 's gala .
5 Just like a lot of these chaps in pubs .
6 The significance of these beliefs in creating a commonsense culture of taken-for-granted racism in Britain is difficult to underestimate , although widespread illiteracy may well have protected the subordinate classes from the level of immersion in racism experienced by the upper classes who were fed a growing diet of racist mythology in fiction , newspapers and missionary tracts ( Lorimer , 1978 ; Miles , 1982 , pp. 118–19 ) .
7 The most important exponents of these beliefs in the inter-war period came from three organizations : the Britons Society , the Imperial Fascist League and the Nordic League .
8 Whatever the particular significance of these RPs in terms of information processing , it is reasonable to conclude with Libet that 550 msec is the minimum interval by which neural activity precedes a self-initiated , and therefore presumably voluntary , movement .
9 Experimental infection in mice confirms the appearance of anti Giardia sIgA and IgG in intestinal secretions and clearance of the parasite relates closely to rising concentrations of these antibodies in intestinal fluid .
10 further immunological studies are needed to explain the absence of these antibodies in a subset of ulcerative colitis patients and their role in the pathogenesis of the disease .
11 One consequence of these lacunae in multiculturalist discourse has been a failure to confront issues of cultural difference .
12 Let us look at each of these options in turn .
13 Not knowing about electricity , but knowing about hydraulic systems , Descartes suggested that the control of these reactions in animals was mediated by movements of fluids , initiated in the sensory nerves by stimuli , being carried to the ventricular system of the brain where contact was made with the motor nerves .
14 The plan envisaged ’ the equal participation of these states in all agreements relating to the Persian Gulf ’ .
15 Irrespective of these differences in rime , a respectable objective has certain known qualities as follows :
16 The opportunities provided in the clinical area for teaching on a one to one or small group basis should enable the teacher to be aware of at least some of these differences in her students , and to make some provision for them in her teaching .
17 In a later chapter I address some of these differences in behaviour , values and approach , but the principles of ‘ switching on ’ apply everywhere .
18 A consequence of these differences in the early years of marriage and childbearing is that fertility levels are much higher among those who live in the local authority rather than the owner-occupied sector — and fertility differentials by housing tenure are much greater than other conventionally used socio-economic variables such as social class , female employment , education , or income ( see figure 7.5 ) .
19 To the extent that such hypotheses are confirmed , the project will seek to comment on the origins , impact and persistence of these differences in organisation and approach to industrial policy .
20 When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced .
21 Consideration of these tables , and the application of these tempos in rehearsal and performance by several ensembles , have produced at least two significant results .
22 The display of these subdivisions in the-list varies .
23 At the moment supervision of these shipments in most countries stops at the national border .
24 The production of these moulds in turn indicated the degree of skill required of the woodworker in producing them .
25 The size of the holes , and the thickness of the surrounding bubbles of enriched galaxy formation , depend on the details of the perturbations fed in to the idealised model calculations , and this offers hope that better observations of these holes in the Universe may reveal information about the kinds of disturbances that made the big bang of creation develop irregularly .
26 The Achilles heel of these approaches in inner-city areas is thus clearly the lack of parking space , which , if not solved , will rapidly dissolve the goodwill of many residents , whether car owners or otherwise .
27 But , rather than spend the money and trouble on another of these exercises in exhibitionistic virtue , could we all just gather at some shrine , shout , ‘ Thank you , Arthur Miller , for being so much better than us ! ’ and go home to dinner ?
28 Such stories as these must have been common in all religious communities , but the constant recurrence of these themes in Eadmer 's recollections leaves the impression that his thoughts , and those of the monks with whom he had lived since his infancy , were centred almost exclusively on their relics , and on the stories of the gifts , purchases , translations , and miracles associated with them .
29 The importance of such aspects inferred from a reading of the Shipman 's Tale is confirmed by the consistent treatment of these themes in the following group .
30 Most folk , no matter what they do n't know , have some familiarity , but it 's not always correct of these parables in Luke fifteen , the lost coin , the lost sheep , and the lost son .
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