Example sentences of "[prep] me has be " in BNC.

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1 But the real discovery for me has been the final item on Disc 1 , the Messe des Pauvres , composed , incredibly , in 1895 .
2 The interesting feature for me has been the wider range of climbers active on the hard classics .
3 The most upsetting thing for me has been to see her medical notes and realise that she could have got the right treatment at home … that is if her country was n't being torn apart by war
4 And so though we have all sinned and that circle , that perfect purpose of God for you and for me has been warped and distorted out of all recognition , the potential that God had for you and for me , it 's been dis it seems to have been destroyed because of the warping and because of the impact of sin .
5 I suppose the appeal to me has been making things happen and changing things and feeling quite British about it and proud of what in my very small way I have been able to do in this country and being able to export that abroad and make it a success there .
6 I must mention one member — Angela ( nee Feetenby ) — for her help to me has been second to none — not only do I congratulate her for that but on your behalf I want to wish her every happiness in her new life — she was married last July to Harry Bell .
7 What you say to me has been said only to me .
8 Well yes it is certainly fascinating to hear the views of , of members an and indeed it , it 's tempting to go on I think about or personal experience of floods , but this is not the time or the place I would suggest to do that erm strategic planning seems to me has been the venue for discussions with Southern Water Authority with the National Rivers Authority itself , we are the committee that tries to look many , many years ahead .
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