Example sentences of "[prep] me and give " in BNC.

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1 And after two and a half hours , the doctor made the decision for me and gave me the epidural .
2 And I remember running into the ward where I had been treated , finding one of the nurses who had looked after me and giving her a big hug and her crying .
3 ‘ Definitely , people have been respectful towards me and given me some free time .
4 I decided that I needed to get some support , to find someone who could , let us say , take charge of me and give me advice .
5 ‘ Come home with me and give us a concert , ’ said Jarvis .
6 Which means that you 're likely to have a much clearer view of things than most , unsullied by ambition and administrative politics-by a reluctance to deal with me and give me what I want . ’
7 I give you one bio-day exactly to make contact with me and give me your answer . ’
8 Will you come back with me and give Jack Owen the benefit of your opinion ? ’
9 Right , yes I shall happy to convey to the moderator that Synod was er totally satisfied with the reports that are here before me and give them one hundred percent support in the work .
10 He said : ‘ The selectors showed a lot of faith in me and gave me every chance to prove my fitness .
11 He said : ‘ The selectors showed a lot of faith in me and gave me every chance to prove my fitness .
12 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
13 He opened up more the love of God to me and gave me a livelier apprehension of the Mystery of Redemption and how much I am beholden to Jesus Christ ’ .
14 He turned to me and gave me his habitual smile-implying parting of the beard .
15 Altogether , the tour gave the Indians maximum exposure to me and gave me maximum exposure to the ELT situation in India .
16 I had n't bargained for the next difficulty : ‘ It wo n't work , ’ he commented , ‘ because my son smokes and he 'll take pity on me and give me one when I run out . ’
17 As Noel Blanc , who has a collection of 20 classic cars , explains : ‘ When I 'm driving down the street in my hot-rod , people are waving at me and giving me the thumbs up .
18 I stole a quick sidelong glance , and saw him turn his head at the same instant to look at me and give a faint smile .
19 She smiled at me and gave me two small ones and I followed her to their house .
20 Benjamin heard the faint crackling in the undergrowth but took one look at me and gave up any idea of pursuit .
21 She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a wry smile .
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