Example sentences of "[prep] me [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Padre sitting opposite me had a rifle across his knees , the rifle not in keeping with his rather mild manner and angelic face .
2 At last I gained the crest of a rise , and there below me stretched the sloping flat rocks , and yes , the mermaids were there , their fur dry in the sun , their bodies slick and contented , their eyes closed , enjoying the afternoon , exactly as I had done myself .
3 Ahead of me lay an historic mission : to circumnavigate London using hired transport , and return within 80 days .
4 There was a ‘ For Sale ’ sign outside , and at the time I was beginning to contemplate leaving Baldersdale — half of me wanted a more suitable place and the other half was telling me to stop at Low Birk Hatt .
5 In front of me sat the smartest and most alert looking person I had ever seen in my life .
6 Certainly part of me won the 1964 Open . ’
7 People like me represented an alien world for her , ’ explains James .
8 As we marched out of the farm the Commando behind me thrust a mug full of very tasty wine into my hand .
9 But then behind me came a lot of other lads ,
10 Along the road behind me came the country bus from Kouvola .
11 One day , as I tried to serve her on the quiet , two deep meaningful coughs from behind me raised the small hairs on my neck .
12 The trainer explained : ‘ Three of them , Jeff Newton , Mick Dews and Barry Dixon , had a horse with me called The White Lion , who won a seller and I told them to let it go .
13 The last time I came up to town for the LIBF , the colleague who came with me showed a great talent for tracking down free wine .
14 I can only declare that the face before me had a terrible beauty .
15 Before me lay a deep gulley choked with oleanders and thorny scrub , which descended precipitously down to the private beach .
16 The figure before me bore no relation whatever to the Alec I remembered .
17 In me battled a flood of relief at being reprieved and anger at such vile deception .
18 They included Gilly Miles , who had a lovely personality and manner and to me had the greatest potential of them all .
19 A passenger sitting next to me flung a coin into the river with great enthusiasm .
20 Only the top surface of the upper chord of the rear stabiliser spar is readily visible and the crack when it was shown to me looked no bigger than a human hair lying across its width , partially hidden by paint and the dirt of many years ' service .
21 The man next to me looked a touch apprehensive .
22 A huge sheet of plastic was handed to me called a menu , which took a good five minutes to de-code .
23 Beside me crouched the provost , looking concerned .
24 Beside me stood an aged Gibraltarian granny .
25 It was the feeling that nobody around me gave a toss whether or not I got into the Legion , nobody cared what happened to me , or whether or not I succeeded .
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