Example sentences of "[prep] time [to-vb] this " in BNC.

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1 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
2 Erm we have not had a great deal of time to put this together .
3 I had plenty of time to think this through as I sat in my leisure jam that Sunday .
4 He had plenty of time to prepare this great phrase , for the outrage was said to have happened in 1731 and he was not asked about it until 1738 , but the delay led to no awkward questions ; by the late 1730s Parliament was growing increasingly annoyed with Spanish interference with British trade , and it was not willing to let Walpole go on with his peaceful policy .
5 He had told his wife that morning over breakfast in their bungalow on the edge of Barashevo and within faint sight of the outer wooden fence of Zone I , that he stood to gain a great prize … not tomorrow , not next week , but he had time , he had months of time to break this bastard .
6 Upon arrival in The Hague , make yourself at home in your hotel with time to explore this famous city .
7 At last , as I set my knife and fork down , I caught the gloomy eye of my table-companion and ventured to say , ‘ You will be in Geneva tomorrow in time to see this wretched woman brought to justice , I presume ? ’
8 The family health services authority and health authority met with social services at the end of January to explain community care funding , but will this have come in time to save this local initiative ?
9 Lothar Baumgarten , the German artist , has come to New York just in time to express this fashionable sense of discomfort with an installation which occupies the whole of the recently restored spiral of the Guggenheim Museum .
10 Louisa arrived in time to hear this and to see , a moment later , the tears start to Frere 's eyes , then she was down beside the unconscious woman , holding her head .
11 She looked accusingly at Silas , who had returned from the water 's edge in time to hear this part of their conversation .
12 Being unable to travel ‘ up there ’ in time to review this splendid collection , the ‘ mountain ’ did n't exactly come to me , but we made a ‘ kitchen table ’ job of it … or nearly !
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