Example sentences of "[prep] him [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then as David got up to order another drink she found that her anger towards him was dwindling ; after all , she could hardly accuse him of being uncaring when she was only too aware of the caring nature of his activities .
2 In front of him were squat columns of coins and a few cheques .
3 The woman sitting in front of him was right , he had to take responsibility for himself .
4 But now her need of him was desperate and unashamed , and their clandestine meetings were not enough .
5 The oppressive power of him was overwhelming .
6 She kept trying to tell herself that his was just another face in a long line of faces , but the nearness of him was agonising , and she was forced to face up to a bitter realisation .
7 I must confess , my dear Fanny ( his sister ) , that I found your judgement of him was inadequate ; perhaps , too , he may not have been in the mood for playing when you heard him , which is probably often the case ; but I was again enchanted by his playing , and I am convinced that if you , and Father too , had heard some of his best things in the way he played them to me , you would say the same .
8 The touch , the feel , the warmth of him was irresistible .
9 Suddenly , the very touch of him was obnoxious to her .
10 He recognised the man with the white handlebar moustache sitting high in a ridiculous Japanese jeep , Health Physics branch , and he heard the sharp horn blast before he saw that the road ahead of him was clear .
11 There 's no decent men in it and there 's no nudity of men it , even when he 's in it all you got to see of him was waist-high , you got to see a clips of his bum .
12 Her awareness of him was debilitating .
13 A cool , inner part of him was amused to observe how shocked he was .
14 It matched her mood , and her movements against him were desperate with hunger .
15 The accusations against him were unfounded ; all but 63 of his fellow deputies accepted that , in a vote on November 13th 1936 .
16 Hugh Despenser the younger had already petitioned the king on the grounds that the charges against him were erroneous and his condemnation illegal , particularly because so few prelates were present in the parliament which gave judgement .
17 At the assizes the evidence against him was overwhelming .
18 The opposition against him was straight prejudice , and a commentary upon the social conservatism of mid-Victorian trade unionists .
19 In another murder case , after a 19-year-old youth had been found guilty of a stabbing murder in Oakley Street , a woman who had given crucial evidence against him was ill-treated by neighbours and eventually turned out of her Oakley Street home amidst ‘ a terrible scene ’ .
20 Just two minutes and 10 seconds behind him was fellow driver , Ken Burgess from the P&O Roadtanks depot in King 's Lynn , who was still looking fit and cheerful as he ran along The Mall , with just over one more mile to go .
21 The voice from behind him was Irish — a broad flat Dublin accent — that Patrick thought sounded vaguely familiar .
22 They were huge ; there was a high ceiling , vaulted with cut slate on iron pillars , and standing where Quiss was , all the walls save for that immediately behind him were invisible , concealed by the rising steams , smokes and vapours from hundreds of pots , pans , vats , stoves , kettles , skillets , grills , tubs and cauldrons .
23 The men behind him were brawny and short-haired , their bare arms reddened by sun and wind and their bare feet wet and muddy .
24 Losing your temper with him was unforgivable .
25 ‘ Then suddenly I just could n't take it any longer — the knowledge that the only effect I had on you was sexual , the only way I could influence you was physically , whereas you loved Jones , as I thought ; your relationship with him was emotional
26 There was , however , nothing phony about his powers of connoisseurship , and looking at pictures with him was fascinating .
27 Working with him — and my own experience with him was brief — was a joy .
28 She was intrigued and , as her meeting with him was social , she found nothing odd about the offer of a drink .
29 ‘ My life with him was short , ’ his wife said , ‘ but clear and bright as a crystal . ’
30 That he was regretting his impulse in inviting her to spend the weekend with him was obvious .
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