Example sentences of "[prep] what 's [adj] " in BNC.

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1 TO MAKE gift-buying easy here is the best of what 's new this Christmas , as well as some old favourites .
2 HERE 'S a glimpse of what 's new in the undie world — and there 's a place for lace .
3 The format for the many specialist companies supplying credit information on individuals and companies varies but the following sample reports will give you a broad idea of what 's available .
4 For a taster of what 's available send of the Vernon Geranium catalogue ( cost £1 ) .
5 I feel that for a country with so much to offer , it 's a great pity that people do not take more advantage of what 's available .
6 If the quality of what 's available leaves a little to be desired , perhaps we could get a professional photographer to supply what is required , but I would need early warning of this .
7 Now there is no definition of what 's small erm erm is erm in er P P G er thirteen and perhaps Mr Curtis could help us in due course erm on an assumption that the new settlement was somewhat larger that th what the County Council is proposing , whether that would erm change the view of York City Council , I I think there is another factor again I could be corrected on this by Mr Curtis and this tended to come out in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , er and that York City Council seem progressively to place more importance on peripheral development than on the new settlement strategy
8 ‘ I do n't think we 'll always need paid carers — quite often simply a good coordination of what 's possible might solve some of the problems and we might not need to employ anyone . ’
9 The picture reminds me of what 's possible again , that 's all , not of what 's gone for ever . ’
10 The second outcome is that all children would be aware of what 's involved in the record of achievement .
11 Okay from er High Wycombe , are you fearful of what 's developing or are you delighted at events ?
12 Try and instil a sense of what 's right
13 So I 've said before that erm Mill wants people to vote just in the same way that people cast their votes in a jury on the basis of what 's right .
14 There 's the question of what 's good for the community , too .
15 transport management , yeah , erm anyway erm so well if you , if you can well if you can give me a list of , of what 's outstanding , if you can see Dave and you can see Guy
16 He 'd be very aware of what 's likely to happen .
17 ‘ Certainly we have a better image of what 's wrong with the cancer cell at the moment . ’
18 He 's not fully aware of what 's wrong with him but he knows that he 's wobbly and has difficulty with certain things .
19 It 's a sign of what 's wrong with the play that the quoted comments could serve equally well as a thumbnail summary of the text itself .
20 No that 's right , but er I think that progressively in our society we 've seen er a lowering of the standards in terms of what 's acceptable for children to read .
21 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
22 More than that , the abandonment of syllabic metre means losing the principal stylistic character , the distinctive " key " of the Odes , for it is in metrical subtlety that Horace finds , and recommends to his reader , what Yeats has called " the fascination of what 's difficult " ; and it is out of that difficulty that the delicate , devious style of these lyrics uniquely flowers .
23 In a combative interview with Empire Magazine he declared : ‘ Black people make up 20 per cent of the population of the US but they make up more than 95 per cent of what 's interesting and hip . ’
24 If you can find the time amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life to simply sit and enjoy your own company , you 'll be granted a rare insight into what 's vital for your happiness and fulfilment .
25 Winter care for livestock including what 's new in nutrition
26 The central allegation in what 's certain to be a bitterly contested case , is that B A has a monopoly based on its dominance of Heathrow , which it 's abusing in a bid to force Virgin out of the market for transatlantic travel .
27 Goddess , Zam , that blood there or am I just behind in what 's glam nowadays ? ’
28 I can only deal in what 's provable .
29 I think it opens up the child 's awareness to what 's available and what 's coming erm moves them on into the next century really .
30 Here 's our guide to what 's new in the undercover world .
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