Example sentences of "[prep] what be being " in BNC.

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31 For example , rather than dismiss the orthographic paragraph format to be found in newspaper articles as , in some way , a deviation from the ‘ true ’ paragraph structure of what is being written , it would be more appropriate for discourse analysts to describe the journalistic format as one form of written discourse organisation .
32 Speech act theory provides us with a means of probing beneath the surface of discourse and establishing the function of what is being said .
33 Even in more casual situations people often try to get at the upshot of what is being said with such utterances as ‘ What are you trying to tell me ? ’
34 Identify utterances which try to formulate explicitly the upshot of what is being said .
35 A further type of clarification is achieved by formulations of the gist or the upshot ( cf. 3.14 ) of what is being said .
36 Discourse is reciprocal when there is at least a potential for interaction , when the sender can monitor reception and adjust to it — or , to put it another way , where the receiver can influence the development of what is being said .
37 Task 40 demonstrates that we do not approach difficult discourse in our own language by starting at the bottom levels and then patiently working our way towards the top and a general understanding of what is being said .
38 But whether or not this is done we have a great body of human testimony to the reality of what is being ( if still generally ) described .
39 However , I am assured by those who know that public persons — premiers in particular — do not become reconciled to criticism , and despite affecting not to be , they remain immensely conscious of what is being said and are troubled if what is said is not to their liking .
40 Reference , in the textual rather than the semantic sense , occurs when the reader has to retrieve the identity of what is being talked about by referring to another expression in the immediate context .
41 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
42 A great deal of pleasure and interest is lost if the reader is not able to form mental pictures of what is being referred to , however fleetingly .
43 The culture of the student experience is one of a self-questioning voyage , not in any self-indulgent form , but rooted in a rigorous self-critical examination of what is being taught , learned and achieved .
44 That symbolism can be taken into account in assessing the ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ quality of what is being done .
45 But unlike the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5 , the test here is not whether or not the victim is likely to be provoked into responding violently , but whether he is likely to experience alarm , distress or harassment as a result of what is being done and said .
46 I would like to pursue both of these issues with the Welsh Office and would appreciate a better understanding of what is being achieved through the forum and how voluntary environmental bodies feel about the White Paper Second Year Report procedure , which requires the publication of a separate report for Wales .
47 However , CPRW also offers the following detailed criticism of what is being proposed :
48 It is often more difficult to assess the " shape " of the receiving organisation than the shape of what is being received .
49 I raised several different ideas of what is being assessed .
50 In scientific reports , the amount of imprecision being introduced , and the reasons for introducing it , are important elements in our evaluation of what is being said or written .
51 Most of what is being done by my Department
52 I suspect that , when people up and down the country realise the sheer horror of what is being proposed , they will recoil from such an open-ended commitment for massive local government spending .
53 an identification of what is being valued ;
54 You may find that your local environmental group publishes a list of what is being collected for recycling in your area .
55 There is a profound difference between the kind of problem-solving which encourages us to use reason in order to reach a solution and the awareness of Mystery which leads to feelings of wonder and awe and worship in the light of what is being contemplated .
56 These communication styles can be expected to induce difficulties in the listener 's ability to focus attention and handle the meaning of what is being said .
57 The listener is better able to recognise the grammar and syntactic structure of what is being said by using the information contained in the intonation : for example , such things as the placement of boundaries between phrases , clauses or sentences , the difference between questions and statements and the use of grammatical subordination may be indicated .
58 It was probably in 1937 that he and Tolkien had a conversation about their distaste for much of what was being published at that time .
59 Even their reports , which before the war would have been held together by close logic and the normal sense of what was being said , are now things of numbered paragraphs ( the British Library report cited earlier has sections with triple numbers , such as 9.6.1. and even the conclusions of chapters have introductions ) with no style or overall understanding at all .
60 Regardless of the experience of your senior nurse momentary aberrations do occur , particularly under pressure , and he or she may simply not have realised the implications of what was being asked .
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