Example sentences of "[prep] all at the " in BNC.

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1 County Council 's encouraged by the fact that the introduction Policy E two is supported by all the North Yorkshire Districts and they are after all at the sharp end of implementing structure policy .
2 As the sky slowly brightened and they waited , Fleury thought of how he and Harry had waited for the first attack of all at the beginning of June .
3 For example , Mrs Moreen 's remark " And all overclouded by this , you know- all at the mercy of a weakness " ( 9 ) has the anaphoric repetition of all at the beginning of successive clauses , and has two banal colloquial metaphors in the expressions " overclouded " and " at the mercy of " .
4 We looked first of all at the relationship of grammar to discourse and the extent to which formal cohesive ties operate across sentence boundaries .
5 He said : ‘ It 's probably the most worrying threat of all at the minute and we have to find it .
6 A particular research project that I and two colleagues , Keith Baker and Erin Sloman , have a grant from the Science Research Council for is to look first of all at the problems of getting such as system with , well at the moment three but possibly up to twelve computers , working on a given existing artificial intelligence problem to see how to take this big program — it 's called Popeye — it 's a research project to study various areas of visual perception , as you say — to see how to break this down and have it running simultaneously on a number of much smaller computers , rather than on the single big computer that it 's running on at the moment .
7 He has appeared once for all at the end of the age to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself … by the blood of the eternal covenant .
8 The Permanent Secretary himself , Maurice Holmes , came down closer to Williams than to R. S. Wood ( and nowhere near Cleary ) by ruling that there should be selection and transfer for all at the age of eleven , to schools of various types , with a review at the age of thirteen of all pupils who might have been initially misplaced .
9 The Equal Opportunities Officers will work with both the Race Relations and Sex Discrimination Committee to develop equal opportunities for all at the Bar .
10 In the first speeches , the Jews were above all at the heart of Hitler 's ferocious attacks on war ‘ profiteers ’ , ‘ racketeers ’ , and ‘ parasites ’ — an expression of his brand of populist anti-capitalism .
11 We have had big clubs v small clubs , east Wales v west Wales , above all at the moment the big clubs against the union , all of them undermining the fabric of the national game , everyone seeming to be suspicious of everyone else .
12 For working-class people , the crisis — economic , political or cultural — is being experienced above all at the local level yet is the outcome of unprecedentedly global forces .
13 This proved true above all at the time of which I write , or up to that time , because adolescence is as much a mental as a biological experience , and the arts meant much at that epoch , the last before the advent of Pop Culture , which has since taken over the adolescent mind rendering present that ‘ future ’ which Eliot dreaded .
14 Send that to all at the Crosskeys at , the Chester your worships .
15 Racial discrimination was abhorrent to all at the CLE .
16 ‘ Daddy would have loved to have come as I said , but he just ca n't get any time off at all at the moment .
17 The size of the latent inhibition effect should decline as the interval is increased and the short-term effect is lost ; and when the exposure conditions are poor for association formation ( e.g. when there is just a single , brief exposure ) there may be only a short-term effect and no latent inhibition at all at the longer interval .
18 The territories that they inhabit are for the most part inhospitable , with some of the world 's highest mountains and large expanses of desert ; and levels of literacy have traditionally been low ( some of the nationalities concerned had no written language at all at the time of their incorporation into the USSR ) .
19 It could be suggested that my argument has merit in relation to undergraduate education , but that it makes no sense at all at the level of postgraduate education .
20 Maggie 's temper and training did n't seem to be helping at all at the moment .
21 But the Burgermeister , usually so jovial and noisy , had proved to be exceedingly sound , never saying anything at all at the rehearsal other than to praise the faint-hearted at the very end .
22 Okay just so I can assess whether I can give you reduced cost advice under the legal aid system , are you working at all at the moment ?
23 They 'll not be co they 're not coming for , at all at the beginning of April , and that 's if , it 's not that long .
24 It does n't work at all at the moment .
25 yeah , it means he 's getting less hours , so he 'll be getting less money which we do n't want at all at the moment
26 Oxfordshire and west Buckinghamshire beginning to ease off with the rush hour traffic at the moment , not too bad at all at the moment .
27 A great time was had by all at the opening of Mo and Margaret Nabbach 's salon , M&M Hair Academy in Ealing .
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