Example sentences of "[prep] which we use " in BNC.

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1 It is not something impelled like a machine by a little egoistic inside ’ ; and again , ‘ deadness , in the limited sense in which we use that word , is the first condition of art .
2 One of the oddest features of human history is the way in which we use randomizing devices — the fall of dice , cards , or millet sticks , the tea-leaves in the bottom of a cup , the cracks in a scapula thrown on the fire — to foretell the future .
3 In this chapter , we develop a method similar to Flowerdew 's in which we use GIS techniques to enable areal interpolation to be informed by the distribution of land-cover types , as inferred from a classified Landsat Thematic Mapper ( TM ) image , in both the source ( 1981 Census wards ) and target ( National Grid kilometre squares ) units .
4 A. There are many obvious ways in which we use energy , or fuel .
5 Since the very basis of the Technique rests upon Alexander 's discovery that it was impossible to separate the physical , emotional and mental states from each other , then it follows that the way in which we use our bodies will , in turn , alter the way in which we think and how we feel emotionally .
6 The way in which we use language reflects the preoccupations of society and of individuals .
7 Communication of data via computerised and electronic means is a relatively new mode of communications but one which in the space of about thirty years has revolutionised the way in which we use , store and transmit information and data .
8 To do so would have quite fundamental consequences for the way in which we use language .
9 By changing the contexts in which we use mathematics , we develop a more multicultural perspective and can help pupils to see how powerful mathematics can be as a tool for examining society .
10 From this experiment , I would be inclined to belief that psychology should be predominantly an activity in which we use non-experimental methods for understanding people 's experiences in their own terms , taking into account the social context of those experiments , rather than an activity in which we transform common sense into scientific knowledge .
11 Never before has the way in which we use our global land resources been so critical . ’
12 The first is a set of mathematical objects which will serve to represent the physically observable quantities in a similar way to that in which we used vectors to represent the physical states .
13 The manner in which we used the social network variable has been fully described elsewhere ( L. Milroy , 1987 ) , and I shall limit my comments here to the question of focusing , stability and normenforcement .
14 roller blind outside which we use erm at an angle out on to the garden
15 In fact , though , McGurk and MacDonald ( 1976 ) have shown the extent to which we use information about the position of a speaker 's lips to help us recognise spoken words .
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