Example sentences of "[prep] his be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These convictions of his were to be tested hard in the days that followed .
2 It was approaching the end of the season , of course , but he intended to make a first flying visit to Aphrodisias , where some old friends of his were at work , and then to spend the winter on research in libraries and museums , and have the whole of the following summer for field work .
3 But these ideas of his were of a Prague long gone , a Prague idealised out of my recognition .
4 Those pants of his were around his knees when he slammed through the double doors of the brownstone , and around his ankles as he stumbled at speed up the first flight of stairs .
5 Then what have you to say to my argument , which is that by not going off the rails , man is destined to live meanly and dully , and in that way corrupts the true purpose of his being on earth ?
6 He looked for fulfilment in the complete dedication of his being to the vocation which pushed him irresistibly towards painting and painting with joy .
7 For Alfred Watkins , it was not a sudden flash of inspiration from the beyond but something which had been building up within the deeper levels of his being throughout a lifetime of contact with his native countryside .
8 The fact of his being in the water clouds things a bit , because it alters normal body cooling .
9 It was a very strange feeling , and the strangeness did n't come entirely from his being of a different , a " forbidden " race .
10 Barth insisted that the God with whom we have to deal makes himself known in and through Jesus Christ as the Father , Son and Holy Spirit , and that this is the real key to his being as God .
11 I have given my consent to his being in my study , but on this occasion the initiative was mine .
12 Love always , Cleo was Caroline 's nickname , Caroline who was responsible for his being at Goldenhurst .
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