Example sentences of "[prep] each of his " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember that the ‘ net published prices ’ are those set individually by each publisher for each of his books : they are not a form of collective trade price-fixing .
2 The judge pronounced that , as he was so attracted by the number four , he would be sentenced to sixteen years ' imprisonment , four years for each of his four ‘ marriages ’ .
3 He went on to top our list of goalscorers for each of his first five seasons ( another record ) and , between September 1929 and April 1935 , played in 180 league and 15 FA Cup matches for us , scoring a fabulous 153 League and 12 FA Cup goals to establish a tally which no-one in the club has ever approached before or since .
4 When he died , he divided his liquid assets and his land between his sons , having first provided for each of his daughters through setting up trust funds which would provide them with a good income .
5 Consequently , the Rationalist is a dangerous and expensive character to have in control of affairs , and he does most damage , not when he fails to master the situation ( his politics , of course , are always in terms of mastering situations and surmounting crises ) , but when he appears to be successful ; for the price we pay for each of his apparent successes is a firmer hold of the intellectual fashion of Rationalism upon the whole life of society .
6 He also won two of the eight Ritz Club monthly awards , one for each of his Major victories .
7 I contacted the landowner immediately after the inquest to inform him of the result and gave him three coins , one for each of his sons .
8 People who lived if their leader were successful , and who bled and died for each of his mistakes .
9 While yesterday 's purchase price was kept confidential it is believed that Mr Arkley paid between £150,000 and £200,000 for each of his new pubs .
10 As a Muslim woman from Jhelum explained to me , in Islam a man can marry four times but according to Islam it is his duty to look after each of his wives and treat them honourably .
11 After each of his words , the workers would exclaim : ‘ That 's it !
12 His captaincy suffered by having to succeed Brearley , for the Middlesex man 's wonderful understanding of the psychological needs of each of his players was something that Botham could never hope to emulate .
13 His feet were now stuck out in front of him and Nenna could read the word EXCELLA on the soles of each of his new shoes .
14 As though unaware of the many doubts in the minds of each of his listeners , Christian went on to explain the reasons behind his momentous decision .
15 He talked through the whole drama again with them , explaining the various problems their son had had , discussing the probable outcome of each of his injuries had he survived , and then , when there was no doubt left in their minds that he should have died , he gave them even more .
16 This process is Paul 's main thought behind each of his directives .
17 It was intended that John would spend six months at a time with each of his parents , but when Grace was due to have him back , Herbert took her into John 's room , which was the larger of the two bedrooms in the flat .
18 He must try and have a moment alone with each of his children before tomorrow morning .
19 Charles 's relationship with each of his successive wives seems to have been harmonious , and ( unlike David 's ) fitted contemporary conventions .
20 He slung the twin cartridge belts over his shoulders and tucked a roll of the heavy tape into each of his jacket pockets before making coffee .
21 Many and varied then were the personalities behind Arsenal 's phenomenal success , and studying them constantly was the tireless brain of soccer 's Napoleon , forever working out how to get the best from each of his players .
22 Bremer collects gallstones , the middle-ear bones of Dwarfs and Halflings , preserved shrunken ears ( separated into male and female , nobles and commoners ) , and one of his more distressing habits is keeping one eyeball from each of his victims if at all possible .
23 Accordingly in such cases there must be an implied term of the contract with such an agent that he is entitled to act for other principals selling competing properties and to keep confidential the information obtained from each of his principals .
24 5 Derek had $5 from each of his 5 uncles for his birthday .
25 In an effort to bolster support Lini demanded a pledge of loyalty from each of his ministers .
26 An applicant for registration is asked , unless such confirmation has already been received , to produce confirmation from each of his or her home law societies , bars , chambers or courts that its professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with English solicitors in England and Wales .
27 In addition every applicant must provide a certificate of good standing from each of his or her home law societies , bars , chambers or courts .
28 Surviving rules of gilds of laymen suggest that most such associations had a spiritual aspect ; in tenth-century Exeter gildsmen assembled " for the love of God and for our souls ' need , having regard both to the prosperity of our life and also to the days thereafter which we wish to be allotted to us at God 's Judgement " , and gave any member going on pilgrimage overseas five pence from each of his colleagues .
29 More specifically , we have found that there are adaptive reasons that seem to explain at least part of the variation that Lewontin cites in each of his examples .
30 In each of his letters he had told Mum that he was making great progress .
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