Example sentences of "[prep] each [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 For each subject the free speed was calculated as a proportion of the prevailing speed limit at the site and where there was more than one site available the average value was taken .
2 For each subject the correlation between this score and their familiarity ratings for the 10 junctions was calculated .
3 For each generation the circumstances are different .
4 because if one division , we know how many , each d i if we 've got for each division the number of agreements , the number of sessions , the number of staff we 've got three common factors , different numbers obviously
5 For each objective the scores available range from 0 to 3 ; the general description of the criteria for each score is given .
6 For each locality the records of first resort remain the early county histories , the relevant volumes in the Victoria County History series , and the proceedings of the county , or similar , historical or record society ; and no doubt local historians will wish to obtain some of these or , subject to the laws of copyright , obtain photocopies of selected sections .
7 I thought that the R5 Fantasy league did something like a point for each goal the attackers sides scored
8 minus a point for each goal the defenders had scored against them
9 Based on reported progress and remaining work for each assignment the program will forecast cost and work to complete project .
10 For each scale the baseline score in 1988 , changes from baseline to first follow up ( 1989 ) , and changes from baseline at second follow up ( 1990 ) were compared among intervention groups .
11 For example , some simple organic solvents such as and give very strong Raman spectra , whereas water gives only very weak scattering , but for each solvent the various allowed bands have similar intensities .
12 For each regression the severity of oesophageal mucosal disease was considered differently :
13 For each row the length of weaving yarn used is only the width of the knitting , whereas a knitted row uses approximately three times the width of the knitting .
14 For each degree the requirement will be submission of a portfolio of compositions .
15 Details of individual associations between actual and optimal decisions are given in Table 3 ; this presents for each subject and for each repetition the proportion of the variance of actual output ( or actual sales proportion ) explained by optimal output ( or actual sales proportion ) .
16 In addition to giving the numbers mentioned above , for each scheme the catalogue names the award , the units of which it is composed and the centre validated to offer it .
17 For each individual the optimal outcome of such negotiation should represent a balance between the costs of escalating the conflict to likely injury and the benefits of winning the resource easily .
18 For each module the following details are transferred :
19 But if the controls are interrelated then the 20 cases will be divided into 10 men and 10 women and for each sex the age groups will be specified .
20 He then assumes that for each country the rate of growth of aggregate demand or nominal spending has followed a very simple process ; that is , where is the rate of growth of the ith country 's nominal spending , is the mean value of over the whole period , and is the deviation of from its mean .
21 Rationality of expectations implies that if equation ( 6.4 ) adequately describes the process determining then for each country the anticipated rate of growth of aggregate demand will be and the unanticipated rate of growth will be in any period t .
22 He tabulates for each country the estimated variance of the unanticipated aggregate demand term , v , and that country 's estimated value for β 1 .
23 For each patient the mean value and coefficient of variation for both the albumin concentration and the albumin:creatinine ratio were calculated from all the urine samples provided .
24 It may be , as we will see later , that for each pattern the cells have the same positional information but just have different rules for interpreting what to do .
25 For each group the mean coefficient of variation within the group was calculated as unc where n is the number of patients and CV i is the individual coefficient of variation .
26 For each study the aliquot was further diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution .
27 Every day there would be a reminder of religious dedication , for each morning the monks would process round the village or town in file , carrying their begging bowls into which devout Buddhists would put offerings of food , very respectfully and without expecting any thanks , for supporting the monks was a most meritorious deed .
28 for each entry the recommended pronunciation is given
29 By reading off the plotted points can you see that for each point the x value is equal to the y value .
30 For each point the map coordinates and the image column and row coordinates are recorded , and from these a mathematical transform is computed .
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