Example sentences of "[prep] government [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As we have seen , the realization of this objective requires that a broad variety of mechanisms are institutionalized so as to ensure that the business of government is conducted in accordance with the rule of law .
2 It started with the terrible sound of a heavy door banging shut as a prison bar appeared over John 's face , then Mrs Thatcher 's voice could be heard saying , ‘ The role of Government is to create individual freedom , not deny it . ’
3 ‘ None of the several forms of government is condemned in itself . ’
4 Now this is rather a banal claim I suppose that erm the proper function of government is to manage things well , I mean who would have doubted that , but the other claim that governments , one of the roles of governments is to improve the citizens is more surprising , particularly for a liberal view and there 's a more standard liberal position now would be that the moral well-being citizens is not a proper matter of governmental concern .
5 The starting-point in the chapter is the ideal to which the British system of government is presumed to correspond , in which policy making is seen as the responsibility of our representatives in Parliament , who answer to the people at the general election for their stewardship of the public interest .
6 Do you think that there is even a sort of ‘ them and us ’ attitude , a feeling that the arts world is an ever open maw that cries out for endless sums of money and that the proper business of government is to resist ?
7 But though the machinery of government is developing in this direction , there is insufficient willingness to face the facts , to give up some of the pretences left over from the old period of vigorous , participatory democracy in order to remove the anomalies and rationalize the system .
8 It is justified if the head of government is challenging something powerful .
9 The widest definition of the Crown in the cases is that of Lord Diplock in Town Investments Ltd. v. Department of Environment who said of the term that it is ‘ appropriate to embrace both collectively and individually all the Ministers of the Crown and parliamentary secretaries under whose direction the administrative work of government is carried on by civil servants in the various government departments ’ .
10 Lippmann 's view , like J. S. Mill 's , was that the electors have the right to choose their rulers or government , but beyond that they should leave government to govern without interference or pressure : " Their duty is to fill the office and not to direct the office-holder. " ( p. 46 ) A not dissimilar view was put forward by Bernard Crick , who said of referenda , the power to recall representatives and other devices for popular intervention : " They forget that the first business of government is to govern
11 The most common means of measuring the growth of government is suggested by a third way , that the government can affect its social .
12 Perhaps the only major systematic attempt to explore the validity of contending approaches to explaining the growth of government is provided by the United States Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations ( ACIR ) study of the growth of government in America .
13 These members are interested in the issues , in extracting information from the government , in finding out precisely what is being planned , how policies are to be applied and whether the machinery of government is working well .
14 He said : ‘ The duty of government is to end mass unemployment . ’
15 The form of government is embodied in the Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands , which came into force in 1954 .
16 Just as the term ‘ the military-industrial complex ’ has a resonance given to it by a particular school of elite theorists , so the problem of the growth of government is associated with pluralist theories .
17 In one sense this presents a misleading picture because only a small fraction of complaints against government is handled through such channels .
18 If the industry is not a natural monopoly then in order to promote allocative efficiency the appropriate policy for government is to remove barriers to competition in the marketplace .
19 The first task for Government is to ensure that the security forces have the resources — legal and material — which they need .
20 And we will act where a push by government is needed to stimulate the provision of childcare .
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