Example sentences of "[prep] work in the " in BNC.

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1 Marty and Jean who ran Granny Takes A Trip were mates of Malcolm 's and they all used to meet up after work in the pub Sometimes Nick would be there too and we got talking to him .
2 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
3 Initial applications for work in the 17 countries available for 1993 can be made from April this year .
4 Her dress was one she 'd bought specifically for work in the factory .
5 The essential element that brings it to life is staff , in sufficient numbers , physically capable of working with the necessary ability , experience and temperament for work in the exacting food industry environment .
6 A docker was never sure what to expect when he reported for work in the morning .
7 I remember an occasion , some years ago , when the front door bell rang here and I opened the door and it was my secretary coming for work in the morning .
8 Because of the division of labour , work soon became the perpetual repetition of a simple task , or the minding of a machine ; such work often had to be done for fourteen hours a day , six days a week , and there were no special provisions for the women and very young children who were considered especially suitable for work in the textile industries .
9 I shall telephone him at home before he leaves for work in the morning .
10 There had thus been a level of skill enhancement for work in the classroom , and of skills training and transfer to working with colleagues within the group and others on the staff , and for achieving a mutually educative partnership between teacher and parent .
11 But beneath his flippancy was a real sympathy for what we were trying to do and an appreciation of the common aims we shared for work in the schools .
12 After leaving Devon the family had gone to Lancashire for work in the mills there and later started to make a new life for themselves in South Africa .
13 Some leave for work in the " private " sector but the majority are uninterested for one reason or another or leave to have children .
14 Make an extra portion of salad if you are eating salad that evening , and leave it in the fridge to be collected as you leave for work in the morning .
15 They also highlight the relative inexperience of both authorities in certain key areas , although benefits of cooperation between authorities , such as in the development and sharing of computer information systems for work in the community , are obvious .
16 Edgebone had to get up early for work in the morning .
17 His father , smelling of Old Spice and wearing a pin-striped suit , had left for work in the maroon Jaguar , and his mother was upstairs in her bathroom , plastering over the cracks in her face with stuff out of a bottle .
18 We want to provide accessible and flexible qualifications which prepare people for work in the Europe of 1992 , and to ensure that these qualifications are recognised and valued throughout Europe and beyond .
19 The co-ordinating body for work in the UK is DALI ( Developments at London Institute ) .
20 Over succeeding years , the seafarers ' unions of several countries managed to secure improved conditions for work in the area .
21 This degree should prepare students for work in the developing field of natural language processing by computer .
22 Other reasons are that Prestel pages can be included in microviewdata bases alongside pages created by pupils ; Prestel pages on a specific subject Can be downloaded to disk and the disk incorporated into an information package , with slides , tapes and printed materials ; and that Prestel may not always be available in the place where the information is needed , thus downloading allows for flexibility in that , for example , pages of graphics can be used for work in the art department .
23 Leith gathered up her bag , her thoughts already on getting home and trying to get a full eight hours ' sleep so as to be sharp for work in the morning .
24 SIXTH formers are perfecting their accents as they set off for work in the French town of Dunkirk .
25 The firm are in the last two months of a three-year maintenance contract for work in the Capital 's central area , including the repainting of the Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens .
26 You 're the , you 're the driver and you 've got to get up for work in the morning and everything else .
27 Perhaps the most remarkable usage of a station was at PETERHEAD prison where prisoners were conveyed in special vans between work in the quarries and the quarters .
28 If you have n't had a good laugh about work in the past two days , something 's wrong .
29 He also knew about work in the USA and USSR from the mid 1970s on metallic hydrogen .
30 Secondly , there 's an item in the management team tele-conference minute which are due to be confirmed today , the which I shall be querying about work in the office , out of office hours .
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