Example sentences of "[prep] going through [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope so , ’ he said , in response to the suggestion that , after going through eight clubs in his short career , he had finally arrived at his spiritual home .
2 I mean some people adopt the approach of trying to d do it all in about two hours just before the deadline so they do n't have time to feel self critical erm I think perhaps if you can , you know , rather than , rather than trying to do it all at once I mean the business of , of going through successive drafts of things and gradually getting them better and better , I mean the first drafts of things that I write are , are usually just scribbles on the back of a piece of paper that 's , with something else on the front
3 So erm nevertheless we have er the spirit of Thomas Carlisle walks abroad amongst us even now so er sometimes this business of going through traumatic experiences , particularly in front of another person , can be very very difficult for us to do .
4 Instead of going through each copy to find a particular patter ( one you are always going to knit later ) , I decided to put a sticky label on the bottom right hand corner of the front cover with details of particular patterns .
5 After the usual business of going through all the names of the children , Miss Honey handed out a brand-new exercise-book to each pupil .
6 ‘ I do n't want to bore you , ’ Harvey said , ‘ but you should understand that these heaps of wire can practically think — linear programming — which means that instead of going through all the alternatives they have a hunch which is the right one .
7 Well erm the er th th th the first and most horrific incidence was I think in the May , no no no it was n't May , it was when we went down to s to Cats in London which was at the end of eighty nine beginning of ninety and I went to , I went to the the doctor in June of nineteen ninety and odd things were sort of going through nineteen ninety , but it was n't until nineteen ninety one and I was off ill and it all went
8 that 's what I thought , I was n't quite sure , I just wanted I 'd been sort of going through various things , and I want I 'd wanted to make absolutely sure
9 Instead of going through several channels to find suitable applicants , companies can simplify the selection process by going through Beaver Recruitment Brokers which will choose candidates drawn from a range of recruitment agencies .
10 As a result , the student is directed into exceedingly narrow channels , and the work is a matter of going through some methodological routines and writing up the results .
11 This saves the chore of going through large media directories every time you want to contact the media .
12 The problem with delaying is that the Protocol documents are sent through to the buyer 's conveyancers in dribs and drabs and this can take as many weeks as did the old system of going through preliminary enquiries , etc .
13 There 's no point in going through that trauma unless you can buy a better service .
14 my Lord I do n't think there 's much point in going through that , we do n't believe it 's relevant we believe
15 I had taken very little , but this screw took great pleasure in going through all my things and saying I could n't take most of it .
16 Obviously in going through each of these lists , each of these items we want to know .
17 The wave has no difficulty in going through both slits and provides a " choppy sea " on which the particle bobs up and down like a cork .
18 In going through this document , look at it from the viewpoint of the buyer as well as your own client , and if the buyer 's conveyancer has made any slip or omission , put it right ; you may yourself one day be grateful for a similar courtesy .
19 She had turned other men — men she did n't hate — away at her door before now without going through all this prior angst , meeting the moment with the tact or firmness it required when it came , but not before .
20 And I frankly can see no way of being able to answer that question or attempt to answer that question without going through this form of exercise .
21 The package should be very visual ; for example , when you rotate an object you should be able to do this by dragging it , not by going through umpteen dialogue boxes .
22 The Emperor has access ( to the room where the Council of Ministers meet ) by going through two rooms , one of which is a library and the other containing a table on which are placed newspapers , documents , etc .
23 You make one by going through all your data to find all the different phonetic sounds you have written , and arranging them on phonetically ordered charts , one for consonants and one for vowels , including modifications ( for details see Introduction to Phonemic Analysis ) .
24 She decided to while away the time until her family arrived by going through some reports .
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