Example sentences of "[prep] even the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the clearing stations the backlog of even the partially repaired mounted alarmingly as , with the constant demand of the Voie Sacrée supply route , all too few vehicles could be spared for use as ambulances .
2 Exhaustion is a permanent feature preventing the completion of even the most simple task .
3 Behind the scenes they have been steadily resisting , for many years , the introduction of even the most basic and cheap safety measures such as cab radios .
4 She was not the whore who lurks under the demure exterior of even the most respectable wife and mother .
5 MERE mention of the name Zeljko Raznjatovic , better known by his sobriquet , Arkan , is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most battle-hardened Croatian fighter , writes Michael Montgomery in Belgrade .
6 The conduct of the War required fiscal policies sufficiently egalitarian to appease the conscience of even the most austere socialist .
7 It is perhaps unsurprising that the matter should have been challenged in the courts , given that it was an affront to the requirements of even the most basic conception of the rule of law .
8 To be described as surplus to requirements , perhaps after many years of loyal and diligent service , can cripple the self-esteem of even the most resilient person .
9 This is true to a certain extent of even the most specialist feeders amongst the owls like the great grey owl or the short-eared owl , while most other species adapt their dietary requirements to a wide range of seasonal , climatic , regional and ecological variants .
10 THE past couple of years has seen an explosion in the number of computing books on the shelves of even the most humble book shop .
11 I know it is difficult to discuss a scientific topic nowadays without dragging in recombinant DNA somehow , but I can not conceive of even the most tenuous connection between genetic engineering and the quantum theory .
12 There is little doubt , in the view of even the most conservative members of the medical establishment , that the cause of large bowel cancer is environmental and that the factors involved are related to economic development .
13 The health of even the most seasoned campaigners suffered at this period .
14 Expectation has been shown to influence the outcome of even the most carefully controlled double-blind trial in either a positive or a negative direction .
15 Myra sobbed as she told me that , although many men were attracted to her — and she to them — as soon as the relationship reached the stage of even the most innocent physical contact , such as a gentle kiss or even holding hands , something in her forced her to draw back and run away from the situation .
16 He says it is difficult to sustain solidarity here : the daily attrition of labour , exhaustion and hunger undermine the will of even the most committed .
17 To my mind , Niki was technically and mechanically the better driver ; he was willing to make the absolute best of even the most minimal chance .
18 Stories of even the most important events often depended on the post .
19 WELL BEYOND the wildest expectations of even the most optimistic airframe designer , certain piston-engines airlines seem set to fly into the next century .
20 At one extreme , some of the more staunch believers , Catholic and Protestant alike , were obsessed with religious questions to a degree which most twentieth-century observers would consider neurotic and obsessional ; in contrast , at the other end of the spectrum , there existed a minority of lay men and women who consistently ignored their legal obligation to attend regular Sunday services and remained extraordinarily ignorant of even the most basic tenets of Christianity .
21 All too often , in my experience , lack of finance frustrates the good intentions of even the most supportive of local authorities .
22 The collectorship , however , was not in the gift of even the most influential politician , for it was an elective office , but it was , nonetheless , intimately connected with parliamentary politics .
23 Is it seriously suggested that the entire elderly population should be regularly screened , that a clear majority should be followed up monthly for six months , and that half should be treated for life on the basis of even the most optimistic interpretation of the trial data ?
24 The moral niceties , the aesthetic sensibilities , the philosophical abstractions of even the most progressive wing of conventional public opinion were luxuries Russia could not afford .
25 THE JUNKIES OF HONG Kong have the perfect means of escape from the constant downtown din , which can rattle the nerves of even the most hardened city-slicker .
26 Interrogatories and document requests are staples of international commercial litigation , no less than of other suits , yet a rule of exclusivity would subordinate the court 's supervision of even the most routine of these pre-trial proceedings to the actions or , equally , to the inactions of foreign judicial authorities .
27 On the other hand , in the eyes of even the most loyal ministers and the foremost grand dukes and prelates , he was no holy man but a charlatan whose doctrine of ‘ redemption by sin ’ was but a thin veil for crude depravity .
28 Unemployment was abolished , class struggle overcome , and the living standards and cultural level of even the most backward of the country 's peoples transformed out of all recognition .
29 The communal redistribution of land , the heavy impositions of the State , the vulnerability of even the most successful household to the vagaries of the climate — all provided major obstacles to the emergence of households sufficiently enterprising to hire labour , invest and expand .
30 Luckily , basic preventative measures and healthy lifestyles are within the reach of even the most impoverished Solomon Islander who , in the case of malaria , can greatly reduce chances of possible infection with a combination of fixing drainage , making or buying mosquito nets and learning more about how the disease works .
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