Example sentences of "[prep] many [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1972 , the year another brother , Walter , died after many years illness , Joyce came to London to spend six months with Eva .
2 Sergeant Golding had unfortunately , after many years police service , blotted his copybook in about 1910 , for when called to the scene of a local murder , he allowed the victim 's mother , a widow , to clean up the room before detectives arrived .
3 For example , reflecting the needs of many TEI users to treat texts both as documents and as input to databases , a sub-class of phrase called ‘ data ’ is defined to include ‘ data-like ’ features such as names of persons , places or organizations , numbers and dates , abbreviations and measures .
4 The clay soils of many farms north of the Downs , for example , do not lend themselves to intensive arable farming , and few farms here ( or , for that matter , fields ) are far from woodlands so that they are not wholly dependent on such features as patches of scrub or hedges for the presence of many common farmland species .
5 In the minds of many respondents cotton wool was perceived as one of those indispensable household requisites which is necessary for some tasks and handy for a great many more .
6 Because the circumstances of many cattle thefts did not encourage people to initiate prosecutions , the statistics greatly underestimated the extent of the crime .
7 The Women 's Art Magazine constantly tries to reflect the views and diversity of many women artists and writers , rather than supporting a closed house style , a club mentality or printing articles from just one particular stable of thought and theory .
8 Her emotional journey is that of many women artists : ‘ I would be faced with the enormous problem of re-inventing myself ! ’
9 The fascination with functions of the body , the analogies between artistic and physical creative processes , self-portraiture used to reveal the female body as the site of patriarchal aesthetic discourse ; all of these mirror the concerns of many women painters of the 1980s .
10 In short , the lowered or lost earnings of many women care-givers are likely to lead to poverty and to increased financial dependency — on a spouse , on an earning sibling , or on the person being cared for .
11 Man of many guises Harry Enfield will be off to Europe , exploring the cultural side of his character on Channel 4 .
12 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
13 Flows may well be exogenous as they are likely to be known with a reasonable degree of uncertainty given the contractual nature of many savings policies .
14 This work is often done by an old man of many years experience .
15 It was not a glib doctrinal position simple culled from the inherited opinions of her own Christian forbears , but the result of many years study and patient listening to all that the African students and officers could teach .
16 By 1938 the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee ad-mitted that it could not increase dependants ' benefits without pushing the level of unemployment benefit for the family man above the level of many workers earnings .
17 Like many managers Margaret seems unable to say ‘ no ’ to the paper work , to the phone calls that come unchecked at any time , or to the people popping into her office for advice , or sometimes just a friendly chat about a project or some personal matter .
18 Like many radicals Cary became disillusioned with the Rump Parliament and welcomed its fall .
19 Like many carers Marian Williamson and Maragert Bowen from Oxford both gave up their jobs .
20 Like many athletes Linford often came to him for advice .
21 But for many cities jealousy of Milan was as powerful as hatred of the emperor 's control , and a rival faction formed under Pavia which was for a time loyal to Frederick — a map of the two teams shows in a fascinating way how difficult it was to love one 's neighbour in this world of riotous freedom and traditional internecine feuds .
22 It is hard for many biologists e en to see that there is a question here at all .
23 For many perishables goods this provides even more information on which accurate orders can be based .
24 For many decades studies of rural land use and landscape were at the heart of all rural geographical work , and land use and landscape studies are still of intrinsic interest to many rural geographers .
25 For many decades Great Britain had undisputed mastery of the seas .
26 The visit will also generate a bank of copies of handwritten and printed material which will form the basis for many hours work in class later on .
27 For many companies policies on style , strategy and organisational values are often missing .
28 For many chefs contract catering is a more attractive option than its higher-profile restaurant and hotel cousins .
29 So much has changed , but for many women writers that cry is eternal .
30 The Department of Geology and Geophysics offers a degree in Geophysics and an introductory course which serves as an appropriate outside subject for many honours degrees .
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