Example sentences of "[prep] many [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 And in Malaya the last of the Communist terrorist gangs were being driven to their destruction in the jungles of north Malaya and south Johore by British military pressure and the financially inspired defections of many of their leaders .
2 Pay was better than that for the average working man , more substantial than the ten-bob dole which was the experience of many of their compatriots .
3 Depriving localities of many of their powers and discretions , encouraging through ‘ nannying ’ from the centre a dependency culture in the provinces , the national government — locked in its own record of multi-sided failure — simply maintains a self-justifying authority .
4 The first and most obvious targets for this new spirit were the religious houses , estimated to own a sixth of the land in England , which were losing vocations as the sterility of many of their practices became increasingly apparent .
5 Mercifully , Islington was not the disease-trap that nearby Shoreditch was , and the Titfords were spared the fate of many of their fellow citizens .
6 They have had to accept the loss of many of their former social roles , the loss of status , a declining ability to lead entirely independent lives .
7 Against the protests of many of their salesmen , then , the Central Authority and Area Boards gave in to government pressure to restrict promotional advertising and hire purchase schemes in order to curtail the over-rapid growth of demand .
8 Although this pilot was not monitored formally , it was hailed by participating students and staff as an unreserved success , generating a substantial commitment to equality for students with severe learning difficulties , and a sound knowledge , on a practical level , of many of their needs .
9 Serfdom seemed to lie at the root of many of their own frustrations , to preclude progress , be it economic , social , or political .
10 Henry and Louis had in effect entered upon a private treaty of peace , against the wishes of many of their most powerful subjects .
11 So I was able to make excursions throughout the state , which is about the size of Hampshire , admiring its astonishing number of traditional country houses , and enjoying the company of many of their owners .
12 This maintained a pattern of vulnerability for the family begun with the execution in June 1983 of five clergymen members and the arrest of many of their relations at about the same time . )
13 This mix of weaknesses , usefulness and potential therefore supplied the British with bargaining power even in the late 1940s , however vulnerable they might appear and despite American dislike of many of their policies and attitudes .
14 Gilbert ( 1984 ) provides a valuable summary of many of their approaches .
15 For their part , the Communists completely reversed their line , earning the permanent hostility of many of their former allies .
16 It was to this area that the Hasteds had come at the very beginning of the 19th century ; previously their home had been in the City , in the parishes of St Katherine Coleman and St Olave , Hart Street , but like many of their contemporaries they made the pilgrimage east .
17 Very recently , some of ‘ our ’ students have , like many of their peers , ‘ voted with their feet ’ .
18 However , like many of their relatives they gain much of their nourishment from symbiotic algae , zooxanthellae which live in the tissues of the polyp and photosynthesise to produce food in chemical form for the host animal .
19 Disenchanted with the way society had changed and their own place in it , again like many of their kind , they looked to Hitler as a role model , admired what he was doing for Germany .
20 Unlike many of their colleagues in the public sector general practitioners in the Conceicao programme work for the full contracted eight hours a day .
21 It came as a blow to her that her eldest sister , Audrey , and brother , Max , had sold off many of their mother 's belongings without so much as a by-your-leave .
22 The earlier period had aroused many expectations that America was on the verge of a social cinema , but , as the social-problem films of the post-1933 period came along , critics were to be uneasy about many of their characteristics .
23 But while many small traders blame the lenders for many of their difficulties Mr Miller says the Royal Bank of Scotland has helped him through the downturn by being flexible .
24 After all , the exporters are not living in a vacuum : they rely on domestic producers for many of their materials , power , transport , and other services .
25 The younger Royals are being reminded that the State still pays for many of their benefits .
26 Abolitionists had to face the fact that for many of their fellow countrymen during the next thirty years open public meetings continued to have this resonance .
27 They certainly use MSL for some appointments but , as is well known , they have gone outside to use a number of the major search firms for many of their senior appointments .
28 Banks can thus cut costs by absorbing their leasing , factoring and other subsidiaries and setting up a unified sales team for many of their products .
29 FOR many of their peers , it proved what a noble calling all journalists pursued .
30 This was hardly a crucial ultimatum but , coming from a moderate , indeed sympathetic Frenchman , it suggests that the French , generally , were beyond the point of no return ; while for the Vietminh , with assorted military forces estimated at 60,000 , having already lost Haiphong as the point of entry for many of their weapons and in danger now of facing overwhelming French fire power in Hanoi , the temptations of a pre-emptive strike , even if it was an act of desperation , must have been irresistible .
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