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1 Macedo 's vision of preservation for the forest and its peoples is very different from the Utopian fantasies of many in the developed world who profess a passionate concern for Amazonia .
2 It was , similarly , only one strand in the ideas of many in the Royal Society .
3 Typical of many in the south , his flattened rape looks ‘ like a rough sea ’ .
4 The inhabitants of North Down , Protestant and unionist , enjoy a living standard — with low house prices and a scenic environment — that would be the envy of many in the south east of England .
5 This is a situation of which modern theologians have been well aware — often too much so for the comfort of many in the churches — and with which they have tried in various ways to deal .
6 At first they were a novelty and a fad but , perhaps even to the surprise of many in the trade , they were a novelty that did not fade .
7 But the Sunday Times seems to be looking for a figurehead for the post , with real work being done in the back room , by the likes of Harry Ritchie , Walsh 's deputy , who in the view of many in the book business would make an excellent lit ed for the paper .
8 Against the powerful opposition of many in the Nazi hierarchy Vlasov 's German supporters could do no more than secure permission to use the general for propaganda purposes .
9 The obvious reluctance of many in the rural sector to seek work in the industrial sector , even on a temporary basis , points to an inclination to stay put far beyond what might be expected from a natural conservatism and apprehension of the unknown .
10 Grandfather always talked about him , Jamie , the athlete , scholar , then a young flier in the Battle of Britain , one of many in the long hot summer , surviving a couple of incidents .
11 Then the Faculty 's computing facilities , including word-processing capabilities in all the languages taught and many of those native to the student body , are the envy of many in the University and beyond .
12 As the occupant of the famous Oval Office at the White House he will be the undisputed leader of the western world and , due to the collapse of the Soviet empire , the hope of many in the east as well .
13 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
14 Like many in the sport , the men who make the odds view the bold Brittain as racing 's version of Don Quixote .
15 By the encore the chubby middle-aged chap in front of me , like many in the hall , had lost all touch with decorum , and , during ‘ Summertime Blues ’ was standing on his seat , windmilling his arms over the strings of his air guitar .
16 Like many in the entertainment business , they love dressing up .
17 Yet like many in the Grand Army , Thiercelin was sometimes tempted to believe that Napoleon Bonaparte was not quite as other men .
18 Arnold , like many in the middle classes frightened at the thought of working-class revolution , argued for the need to ‘ win the sympathy ’ of the working classes , for ‘ society is in danger of falling into anarchy ’ ( Matthew Arnold , ‘ The popular education of France ’ , quoted in Eagleton 1983 : 24 ) .
19 The Scarman Report commented on the turnover of staff in the mail order department in 1976 : ‘ many of the immigrant workers did not stay for very long : the threat of dismissal must have been an anxiety for many in the workforce .
20 For many in the seventeenth century this immaterial God was an important part of their whole world-view .
21 WP It will inevitably be confusing for those in Eastern Europe who mistake the rhetoric of Western ideology for the reality of economic life — just as it is for many in the West .
22 A woman from Yeovil , Penny Price , spoke for many in the way she summed up her feelings about the dangers .
23 It is certain Farr-Jones is already talking too fast for many in the game .
24 Mary had been brought up with her story which , for many in the valley — except her own generation , increasingly unable to visit her on the heights she chose for her seclusion — had gone cold long ago .
25 For many in the working-class the role of state and its agencies in the provision of housing , education , health and welfare services was initially seen as a move towards greater equality .
26 The politically active came to see Britain 's problems in international rather than exclusively domestic terms , an important change for many in the Labour Party .
27 For many in the ancient town of Winchcombe — it 's the hottest news for years .
28 The reunification of Germany has opened up new opportunities for many in the East , including a group of East German teachers of English who are visiting Oxford this week .
29 If they could not — as with many in the industrial northern area of the bay , near the busy port of Baltimore — why not ?
30 The Britons had made friends with many in the party who perished , including 21-year-old Australian Pierce Kitely .
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