Example sentences of "[prep] our [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After our night together , when Peter turned up next day , you were so savage , as if you really did believe all those terrible things you were saying about me — I do n't understand why you changed so suddenly — ’
2 ‘ Look after our friend here .
3 We want to look after our customers so that they will be around when things get better . ’
4 But after our day out when we 'd had such a good time it seemed as though you might care and that we could have a chance .
5 I assure you Committee have full confidence in the prudent manner our Management Co is looking after our Village together with Crestacare honouring the terms of our Lease to the full , not forgetting our Warden/Manager Mr and Mrs Philip Holmes whose co-operation is very much appreciated .
6 The Shrimptons have looked after our affairs ever since my great grandfather started the business in 1900 .
7 ‘ Do n't you think you should be looking after our guest instead of prowling about out here in the corridor ? ’
8 Anyway , someone has to look after our belongings else they might get pinched .
9 Anyway , is , is , is there agreement that there 's , that this er , capital programme and associated papers after our deliberations on are referred to the P A G , is that agreed ?
10 Mr Clarke said : ‘ The key requirement was that we look after our people as well as we possibly could in these extreme circumstances .
11 We were invited to a ‘ banquet ’ on the evening after our arrival here , but actually there was n't the usual kind of formal speech making .
12 If we want studies of sex difference to work towards our liberation rather than perpetuating our subordination , we have to take this problem very seriously .
13 The group of four of us were embarking on a camping trip in the mountains in Northern Scotland , and were all well aware that we could not afford to leave any of our equipment behind .
14 Madam Speaker I r the er honourable gentleman must have a rather er curious source for his statistics because what has actually happened is not merely that the government have protected the real value of the state retirement pension but the combination of our policies both in social security , in the pensions field and in the economic world have led to a position in which pensioners average real incomes have risen more than forty percent since this government took office .
15 Thorn EMI Plc is almost out of our sector now — and doing very well at it too , with pre-tax profits almost doubled at £290m .
16 Vauban still does not know the true nature of our mission here . ’
17 Courteously seating her inside the car first , he walked round to the driver 's side , and when he had settled himself behind the wheel asked unexpectedly , ‘ Have you visited one of our pubs yet ? ’
18 And then we come to race nine , the third leg of our yankee tonight , Radio Oxford 's yankee , that 's in the nine thirty two erm here I 'm going to go for Kerry Limb Gold in trap six erm this one does like the underfoot conditions to be soft , so he 's got it tonight — Kerry Limb Gold then as the third leg of the yankee , nine thirty two .
19 Novelty plays an important part in all of our lives yet there is always something of a balance to be struck between having so much novelty that life becomes unbearably unpredictable and wearing , and the opposite where sameness drives us mad with boredom .
20 Jessamy , we ca n't spend the rest of our lives apart .
21 When we are young , we assume that if only we can get the circumstances of our lives right , then we will automatically be happy .
22 The same way with the bombardier waste gunner , radio operators , engineers and all the gunners , so that our crews were all buddy-buddy. crew and my crew were buddy-buddy from the minute we were formed , right on through , I guess you might say the rest of our lives here , even though we have not gotten together since the war but I have talked to on the phone one time when I was in New York City .
23 Er I myself and many others were here for two and a half years and I submit to you that this is a considerable portion of one 's adult lifetime and consequently , the experiences of the last three days have been very meaningful and very moving to those of us who did spend such a portion of our lives here in this place .
24 Also , none of us wanted to spend the rest of our lives there , even though we did not know what else there could be .
25 But in spite of the bumps in the beginning he kept coming back to my little home studio and that 's how the second half of our lives together began .
26 and we looked on it more as a party and a family gathering and showing everybody else that we were now committed and we 're going to spend the rest of our lives together .
27 He has independent means , and we 're going to enjoy every minute of our lives together . ’
28 to provide a forum where we can review the content and balance of our lives as far as work , personal spirituality , family time , leisure , outside interests etc. go .
29 It 's for the rest of our lives really .
30 You were never there , you never knew her , you never saw her , you know nothing of our lives then , nothing , nothing , nothing , it 's extraordinary to me that .
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