Example sentences of "[prep] this [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Two things can be said about this to avoid the impression that the different tendencies are simply expressions of a ‘ national character ’ , or of the irresponsibility of entertainment against the social purposiveness of public service — though the latter explanation , if understood historically rather than morally , is not completely without foundation .
2 Often it takes meetings such as this to reveal the pervasive nature of culturally determined behaviour .
3 While statements such as this invited the charge that factual evidence was becoming confounded with too-hasty interpretation , the basic thesis survived and has been strengthened by other workers not of the psychoanalytic school : notably the ethologists and zoologists , as well as child psychologists ( Lorenz , 1952 ; Harlow , 1961 ; Schaffer and Emerson , 1964 ) .
4 Hopes were high when it was found that even if the organizer tissue were killed it could still induce , for this offered the possibility of extracting the responsible chemical signal .
5 Doubts as to even the possible reality of such a law , arising from an excessively empiricist conception of the possibilities of being , prove unreasonable in the light of the establishable fact that both the every day world in which we live , and we ourselves , are only appearances of a realm of things in themselves whose true nature is hidden from us. for this opens the possibility that what we are in ourselves is essentially rational beings , belonging to a society of rational beings , while what we are as appearances is sensory beings .
6 For this to take the appropriate forms in the particular cases of longitudinal and lateral correlations ,
7 Yet the exchange had been all gain , for this became the happiest , the most rewarding period of his life , when to lose himself utterly in God and His Work was truly to find himself .
8 For this to happen the Church must be like a beacon shining through the darkness , an example of love and justice to the rest of society .
9 The sheer quantity of calculation and printing required for this stretches the modest administrative processor to its limit for two days .
10 The reason for this constitutes the most critical part of the model .
11 For this stretch the pyramid of the Bristen ( 3,072m , 10,076ft ) occupies the valley horizon .
12 For this showing the drawings include : Giovanni Bellini ‘ Head of a bearded old man ’ ; Fra Angelico ‘ Head of a cleric ’ ; Raphael ‘ The Three Graces ’ ; Michelangelo ‘ Head of a young woman ’ ; Bernini ‘ Self Portrait ’ and works by G-B .
13 Have you been in for this Guess the Scores , have you won anything before ?
14 News of this reached the press , pig-lovers throughout the country came to the rescue and enough money was donated or pledged interest-free to ensure the herd 's survival .
15 Before any of this reached the Exchequer Edward was dead and his sister Mary had waived her right to all but the two fifteenths and tenths .
16 Taking the river Loire as a boundary the lands north of this reflected the Norman influence — that same influence which produced England 's Norman architecture also that of Sicily and southern Italy .
17 Mammals keep track of this using the pineal gland which also regulates their bodies ' circadian rhythm .
18 But none of this alters the fact that when she died there were more serfs in Russia than ever before and that they were worse treated than under any of her predecessors .
19 None of this alters the fact that it is possible to use these adjectives with a tense value distinctively different from that of the preceding verb ; see ( 51 ) and the contrast in ( 52 ) : ( 51 ) we all know Cerrutty to have been fortunate ( 52 ) ( a ) in the test my men showed themselves alert ( b ) in the test my men showed themselves to have been alert In ( 52 ) , ( a ) would naturally be suitable when the men respond promptly during the test , and ( b ) when , for instance , they had been alert in paying attention to instructions given at some time before the test .
20 But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985 .
21 All of this favours the growth of radio programme suppliers .
22 All of this ignores the nurses who have been unofficially deputising in medical roles for many years , according to senior nurse advocates .
23 All of this allows the Company to offer a comprehensive systems overhaul capacity .
24 Let me beg of you on receipt of this to order the coachman to drive you back again to my house .
25 During the late 1960s considerable effort was invested in establishing the history of the ocean floor , much of this involving the activities of the Deep Sea Drilling Project .
26 Yet none of this obliterates the difference between the respective roles of names and descriptions .
27 All of this frustrated the Assembly , whose major proposals involved the notion of greater European unity .
28 All of this made the rural village an extremely close-knit society .
29 But the DoE labs also have those huge amounts of radioactive waste ; could they make use of this to irradiate the VOCs and destroy them ?
30 And in the middle of this came the kidnapping of four students , who had to be ransomed from Zairean rebels across the lake .
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