Example sentences of "[prep] be of any " in BNC.

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1 In other words , when it comes to an attempt to understand how someone is likely to respond to a stimulus , a description of the stimulus in terms of its simple physical dimensions is not going to be of any value .
2 This order was annulled on 26 October by the Smolensk guberniia party committee for being excessive and too late to be of any use .
3 Recognizing that audiences could never identify with nobs , Hitchcock 's films showed ordinary people going through extraordinary experiences : ‘ The upper classes , ’ he remarked , ‘ are too ‘ bottled up ’ to be of any use as colourful screen material , too stiffened with breeding to relax into the natural easiness and normality required by the screen . ’
4 It did not seem to be of any consequence , for it made no immediate difference .
5 All this needs to be related to the situation in vivo to be of any real use .
6 When receiving professional aromatherapy treatment-especially aromatherapy massage — it is important to feel at ease with your therapist if it is to be of any worth .
7 By then it is too late to be of any good to anyone , and particularly dad .
8 These need to be as specific as possible , including a timetable for action if they are to be of any use .
9 It should be noted before going any further that for a sample survey to be of any value at all the sampling procedure must be open to scrutiny and stand up to criticism .
10 The Western-financed dams received all the attention ; the numerous jobs that needed to be done if the dams were going to be of any use had scant priority .
11 There can not be a satisfactory answer to such a question which is short enough for the circumstances , and informative enough to be of any value .
12 To be of any use as a tool of business control , financial records must be up-to-date .
13 Her cousin Elizabeth of Dorking 's £20 legacy was to arrive just too late to be of any comfort to her , and she died in the September , aged sixty-five .
14 In response to the news , Anglo United pulled out of the bidding for the company , explaining that the operation was now too small to be of any interest .
15 Mrs Stych protested coyly that she did not know enough about books to be of any use , while she wondered privately how she was going to fit this new commitment into her already overcrowded schedule of social events .
16 And , if specific hypothetical examples of such computations are to be of any interest to students of biological organisms , they should be able to distinguish reliably ( though not necessarily infallibly ) between equivalent changes in the real-world environment .
17 To be of any real value core units have to be fairly big for the reasons discussed .
18 Wendler recognises that object-oriented technology will play a central role in the distributed management systems of the future , though it is too immature to be of any real use at present , he says — ‘ the class definition stuff that OMG is working on now is much more important than the Object Request Broker . ’
19 Editor , — If operative mortality is to be of any use as an indicator of quality in cardiac surgery a system of risk stratification must be in place .
20 Combine these two flaws and there 's often a lack of players on-screen at one time — the scanner does n't help matters as it 's too small to be of any use .
21 The eye-spots , to be of any use , must be linked to muscles so that the animal can react to what it senses .
22 They could not have learned the trade in time to be of any practical use to the employers in keeping orders going .
23 But to be of any real use giveaways must be both useful or decorative and relevant to the product or service you are promoting .
24 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
25 Not only were they more cheaply remunerated — at the church 's expense , mainly — and far more experienced in the business and technicalities of administration and negotiation , but their clerical status gave them a weight which most laymen could only acquire by aristocratic connections or by ennoblement ; lay chancellors , to be of any consequence , needed political and dynastic links , which could also spell danger for the king .
26 Indeed , it is only in such cases that reference to Hansard is likely to be of any assistance to the courts .
27 The man in the doorway was certainly old and infirm , and none too reliable either , but when he ceased to be of any use to the Guild as a working docker , they had found him a sinecure job as night watchman on the Wharf .
28 Most of the systems , including the spectronic destabilizer ( handy for blasting planets ) , were too large scale in their effects to be of any use in this situation .
29 Whether or not any special rule survives for trespassing cattle is not likely to be of any importance now that damages for personal injuries can not be recovered under that head .
30 So it did n't seem to be of any hardship to anybody for for the mother to be involved in er political activity .
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