Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 I would say you could defend the British position because what it seems to me to be based on is first of all the idea that the institution itself should make the decision , and that surely is a democratic start , that you do n't lay down a rule from Newcastle to John O'Groats , or wherever , and that the people in the institution have a certain chemistry together .
2 Also take into account immerse plants — those that put their tops out of the water — that do n't like to be sprayed on .
3 And I I would like that to be touched on as well .
4 We were told that there would be a General 's inspection and the searchlight had to be turned on at a specified time , but when the great moment came we could not start the engine that drove the dynamo and darkness still prevailed .
5 The mains water tap was found to be turned on , and I gradually became aware of warmth emanating from the living room fireplace .
6 The critical questions have to be turned on to the discipline and relevant examples furnished from within the discipline .
7 A high voltage is used when the phase current is to be turned on or off , while a lower voltage maintains the current at its rated value during continuous excitation …
8 He would get up and blunder about falling over shoes and unable to find his dressing gown , until at last the light had to be turned on to sort him out , and Chrissy had worked himself into a frenzy .
9 Only 365 people turned up and to add insult to injury , the lights had to be turned on in the second half when a storm blew up , plunging the ground into darkness .
10 Take 3in tip cutting of pelargoniums intended to be grown on as standards .
11 A magical brazier in the north-west corner has a number of branding irons heating in it , and next to it is an inlaid marble slab with iron supports which has room for a body to be strapped on to it , plus a tray of gleaming metal scalpels , thumbscrews , small-bone crunching implements , pincers and similar implements .
12 I write to inform you that the above appeal is to be heard on
13 The second point that could cause confusion on the printouts is to do with the way in which stitches are to be cast on or off , increased or decreased and so on .
14 To be sponged on
15 Lucy who did n't know she was going to be pounced on .
16 What does emerge beyond dispute is the primacy of large-scale cloth making as the great national industry and by far the most important export , leaving the rest more or less nowhere , as attested by the massive wealth of many clothiers and the prosperity — albeit a brittle one — of the workers in the major textile districts : high earnings in Suffolk and Gloucestershire at least resulting in a disposable surplus of income which not infrequently enabled artificers to accumulate sufficient goods for assessment , in contrast to agricultural labourers , who seldom had anything but their wages to be taxed on .
17 You will pay whatever staff have to be kept on to keep the house and grounds in order and … ’
18 And would an an apprentice , like somebody who 'd say served say five years as their time , once their time was out would it be common for them to be kept on ?
19 When the time comes for me to show you to the door you may be down on your knees , begging to be kept on . ’
20 Demonstrators calling for World Motor Racing Champion , Nigel Mansell , to be kept on by Williams gathered outside the team 's Didcot headquarters .
21 Lady Selvedge allowed herself to be led on to the platform and was introduced in a short speech by Mark , who found himself unable to think of very much to say about her , confused as he was by the talk of ‘ high principles ’ , cocktail parties , and her former husband 's misdeeds which he remembered having with Sophia and Penelope .
22 Marr ( 1982 ) describes many processes that have yet to be mapped on to the nervous system .
23 The New Yorker of November 24th lamented that the NSC would not reveal even the age or the precise employment of this man , ‘ who seems to be called on to act as a secret surrogate for something like the entire United States government ’ .
24 Whatever happens , Tendulkar is no doubt resting easily at night safe in the knowledge that Geoffrey Boycott has already emerged as a sort of godfather figure , willing to be called on to help at any time , to be party to any photo opportunity that may be at hand .
25 As late as the eighteenth century some of the most renowned painters of France , Boucher , Lancret and Watteau among them , found it no more beneath them to paint gallant scenes on the artificial eggs presented by the king to members of his court at Easter than Cellini did to be called on to unpick the precious stones from Clement VII 's tiara as the Imperial troops advanced to sack Rome in 1527 .
26 But he wanted to make it clear that he was there to be called on in an emergency .
27 It is common commercial practice for the auditors of a private company to be called on to value the shares .
28 Some companies take this responsibility out of the salesperson 's hands and produce daily worksheets showing who is to be called on and in what order .
29 Because over the coming months I suspect that as a result of the E P A you are going to be called on more and more for information , for putting out press releases , for talking to people , for talking on the telephone , I mean , every single newspaper now seems to have an environmental reporter , and you 're going to be , I suspect , right in the forefront of it .
30 And it was striking that in both instances the referenda did stimulate a serious and extensive debate about the matters which were to be decided on — or at least voted on .
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