Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 The question is whether grammar ought to be taught as a separate formal study , like harmony or counterpoint , or whether a teacher can assume that it will be picked up through practice .
2 One consequence of these extension schemes that may have a serious effect upon arts education is the way that some authorities are pushing for arts subjects to be taught as part of modular courses , which could lead to a reduction of the number of two-year examination courses in separate arts subjects .
3 What Good Friday and Easter Sunday stand for is not something to be taught as such but something which pupils with any understanding at all of Christianity would automatically acquire en route .
4 One recurring kind of reason against accepting the authority of one person or institution is that there is another person or institution with a better claim to be recognized as an authority .
5 Ageing has to be recognized as a process , a gradual transition , rather than a once-for-all event .
6 Already in 1913 , as the Independent observed , ‘ gray hair has come to be recognized as the unforgivable witness of industrial imbecility . ’
7 There was a fondness for the strict classical style , as seen in Moscow Kiev Station , affirming a desire to be recognized as a fully-fledged European power .
8 In terms of medical as well as architectural history , these buildings are of enormous interest , but only recently have they begun to be recognized as buildings of some value .
9 Search for a peptide was rewarded by the discovery of a compound containing five amino acids , which combined powerfully with the opiate receptor and had all the necessary properties for it to be recognized as a new transmitter substance .
10 Coaching is also beginning to be recognized as an essential tool which has to be developed systematically , not left to chance or the interest of a few concerned managers .
11 In whatever sense it is to be recognized as an objective fact that I am now responding in awareness of more factors than before , my reaction will likewise be objectively better than before .
12 Third , it pointed to the necessity for critical preventive work to be recognized as a priority .
13 The fact that Balboa caused the Ocean to become a Spanish lake , in effect , would come to be recognized as one of the most important stratagems in the development of the modern world .
14 This is not , as it is sometimes believed to be , a matter of crude protectionism ; it is a measure of Japanese difference , and has to be recognized as such .
15 One was the periodic factor that wages did increase from time to time -and the other was what he called the adjustment factor which meant that a time might come in any industry when a distortion or trend had to be recognized as such for correction .
16 Interests seek to be recognized as ‘ good causes ’ , and causes try to enlist the backing of more powerful ‘ interests ’ .
17 At this time he was still a rank-and-file militant , but quickly , as the 1820s moved along , he came to be recognized as the outstanding trade-union leader in Lancashire in the textile industry .
18 He was ambitious to be recognized as a physiologist as successful as his father .
19 If he then writes a monograph about a " tribe " or a " people " or a " social system " and he wants to be recognized as a scientist rather than as an artist , he is under pressure to persuade himself ( and his readers ) that the events which he saw happening before his eyes were " typical " of what might be going on elsewhere in the system .
20 It was hateful to have to be like that , and usually she did not allow herself to think on those lines , but it was there and had to be recognized as a factor .
21 All candidates for the throne had to be recognized as Merovingians .
22 We 've also included in there , on item twelve , a net bill item , but does need to be recognized as an addition to your total spending , and that is , you 've been involved for many years with the health authority in arranging for the discharge of people from long-stay hospitals , and their absorption into the community , and each of these are a provider of many services , and daycare services to those particular individuals .
23 Such consultation was undertaken through a Great Council , from which evolved what was to be recognized as a parlement or Parliament .
24 However , heterologous telomeric DNAs exhibit a broad spectrum of activity in their ability to be recognized as functional telomeres in vivo .
25 A courtesan was a woman of gifts who attached herself to a great man , and expected to be displayed as a badge of his wealth .
26 The Health Department has now asked for a project proposal to be prepared as a basis for providing assistance to introduce the proposed changes during the year ahead .
27 The mortgagee would have to be joined as plaintiff .
28 ROY Castle is to be joined as a presenter on TV 's Record Breakers by Ronald Reagan Jnr — son of the former American president .
29 The defendant applied to be joined as a party to those proceedings and sought a stay of the possession order .
30 On an application by B. to be joined as a party and for an order that the money in court should not be paid out to the solicitors for the interim government : —
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