Example sentences of "[prep] it in the " in BNC.

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1 Having quoted the opening of Gormenghast in 1.4 as an example of an opaque style , we shall now return to another passage which occurs shortly after it in the same novel .
2 A rat as big as a cat scurried down a steep slope and a small bush slid down after it in the torrential downpour .
3 The Package Name and Issue fields are self explanatory , The Selection column shows how each package selects the package immediately below it in the structure ; ie. SELECTED , LATEST or PREFERRED .
4 Morgan found confirmation of it in the fact that the people he had studied in most detail — the Iroquois — happened to be matrilineal .
5 Anyone who feels he can afford to risk the lion 's share of his £2,400 could have most of it in the opportunity trust .
6 China 's growth is fuelled largely by coal and so is India 's , some of it in the latter case thanks to World Bank funding .
7 In some sense Angela may have been paying for the assets — they had assets valued at £600,000 then , most of it in the lease on the building .
8 If you have not made stock from the bone , place the whole bone or part of it in the pan with the measured amount of water , not stock .
9 Too much of it in the body causes anaemia , heart disease , bone disorders and fatal dementia .
10 There 'd been a photograph of it in the paper , across someone 's hedge , its wings in a tree .
11 Though Abraham receives the promise of the land of Canaan in Genesis 12 and , by God 's terms , takes possession of it in the next chapter , his descendants do not enter it as a people until the book of Joshua , and the business of conquest is not finished till David is secure on the throne half-way through the second Book of Samuel .
12 According to the Soil Association — the largest body of organic farmers , of which Tustian is a member — although sales of organic produce have increased overall because there is more of it in the shops ( much of it imported ) , the recession also means that some of it lingers on the shelves for longer .
13 A few minutes later Endill caught another glimpse of it in the distance .
14 Trent said , ‘ Wind picks up , we 'll need to tow half of it in the Zodiac . ’
15 There was a gallery here on the west side of the house and there is an oil painting of it in the house .
16 Combing a shaven head with a steel comb ( just to show you 'd got one — as if the faded shape of it in the back-pocket of your jeans was n't enough . )
17 When the Council was wound up in 1982 , being replaced by the Secondary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee , there was so much work to be done on the curriculum and the examination of it in the years of compulsory school that consideration of the sixth-form curriculum lapsed into comparative inertia .
18 Resource is therefore not the problem with synthetic fuels and the progress or lack of it in the industry is a function and a consequence of the price and availability of hydrocarbons .
19 Then both the earners and the users of foreign exchange will know its real opportunity cost , and they will adjust their behaviour so as to economize on foreign exchange in the short term and to earn more of it in the long term .
20 The industrial revolution was creating a new moneyed class , much of it in the North and Midlands .
21 It took her some time to get used to that but she got the knack of it in the end , and they spent hours together shooting at marks , or at rabbits on the Down or pigeons in the high trees at the forest edge .
22 It is selective and hard to observe though you may catch sight of it in the tree canopy feeding on wood boring insects .
23 The Commission must copy a notification to the relevant authorities in the member states and provided that it is complete , immediately publish brief details of it in the Official Journal .
24 Followed by one grated fresh apple topped with a quarter of a pint of vanilla-flavoured custard ( make half a pint of custard , adding a little extra sugar and a few drops of vanilla essence , and save half of it in the refrigerator for Friday ) .
25 The four months of shooting began in October 1972 , much of it in the Abruzzi , in the mountain town of Ascoli Piceno ( well photographed by Carlo Rustichelli ) , with studio work at the De Paolis Studio in Rome .
26 When something does n't go as we had hoped we must try to see the good that comes out of it in the end .
27 My year between school and university was about as creative as the period Terry Waite spent in captivity staring at a concrete wall with only his postcard of John Bunyan for reading matter , but I did spend the first few weeks of it in the typing class of a comprehensive school in Hackney .
28 The public got a very early taste of it in the late 1970s when he was invited to play in the World International single wicket competition at The Oval .
29 A staggering £300,000 had been raised from local people and businesses , some of it in the form of covenants .
30 You had better attend the closing hour of it in the synagogue in Rectory Square .
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