Example sentences of "[prep] it his [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So Schuler accepted it , knowing that by the end of it his prospects of regaining an All Black place might have disappeared .
2 As Nicholson headed towards it his shoes beat out a tattoo on the polished floor .
3 Night had fallen and with it his defences .
4 We are made to share his view , and with it his plans and hopes to gain at the expense of good .
5 They applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State 's decisions and sought orders of certiorari to quash those decisions and declarations that the Secretary of State could not set a period for retribution and deterrence for a mandatory life sentence greater than that recommended by the judiciary , that he was required to tell the applicants the period recommended by the judiciary , and if he departed from it his reasons for so doing , and that the applicants were entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he determined the period and for that purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State would act which was not in the applicant 's possession .
6 Reading that line , and adding to it his memories of Finn and Fróda , of Beowulf and Hróthgár and the other pagan heroes from the darkness before the English dawn , Tolkien may have felt that Milton was more accurate than he knew .
7 I suppose if you think about it his parents probably think it 's probably good to get him out of London and get him doing something .
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