Example sentences of "[prep] it [vb base] been " in BNC.

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1 Christian leaders who had been thinking of it have been backing off .
2 However , interesting observations in support of it have been made .
3 Parts of it have been taken over for a secondary motor road , but much of it remains remote and quiet , rarely disturbed by a human voice .
4 Variants of it have been used in many situations .
5 Copies of the environmental statement and a non-technical summary of it have been placed in the Vote Office .
6 He baled out before his burning plane crashed ; only fragments of it have been found .
7 Dr Barnardo 's was another charity she took on at about the same time ; this charity has left its old orphanage image behind , and the Princess feels her connections with it have been fruitful .
8 The remarkably well-preserved Dark Age monastery at San Vincenzo and the villages associated with it have been investigated to an extent never hitherto possible .
9 The TMI-2 accident now forms an important part of the considerable experience available to us from PWR operations around the world , and this summary shows that the CEGB and NNC must carefully assess and analyse the accident if they are to be certain that all of the relevant lessons from it have been satisfactorily incorporated in the British PWR .
10 It also now appears that his cathedral was considerably bigger than anyone thought , since sections of cylindrical columns from it have been re-used in later works .
11 The law firms within it have been competing very strongly with each other , there are six extremely good law firms in Leeds and their I think that that experience in competition over the last few years will stand them in very good stead .
12 The Classics section with Nemo , Krazy Kat , TinTin , Dick Tracy , is featured largely because the strips in it have been reprinted in the past few years .
13 As to evidence of the terms of a bye-law , and of the fact that all the formalities relating to it have been complied with , see note B(2) below .
14 PLANS to breathe new life into a derelict brickworks by building a new village on it have been rejected by Darlington councillors .
15 The strike demand has been totally ignored by the Soviet media , although posters and leaflets about it have been widely distributed through voters ' clubs and associations , and other informal groups .
16 One tree in a school near Worcester has remained in its original position , while the buildings around it have been demolished and rebuilt over the centuries .
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