Example sentences of "[prep] the member state " in BNC.

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1 The UK argues that the rate is a matter for the member states to decide .
2 The Court has already held , in its judgment of 23 November 1989 in the Torfaen case , that national rules governing the opening hours of retail premises reflect certain political and economic choices in so far as their purpose is to ensure that working and non-working hours are so arranged as to accord with national or regional socio-cultural characteristics , and that , in the present state of Community law , is a matter for the member states .
3 It was therefore for the member states to take suitable measures .
4 Consequently , the answer to question ( 1 ) must be that , as Community law stands at present , it is for the member states to determine , in accordance with the general rules of international law , the conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a vessel to be registered in their registers and granted the right to fly their flag , but , in exercising that power , the member states must comply with the rules of Community law .
5 ( 1 ) As Community law stands at present , it is for the member states to determine , in accordance with the general rules of international law , the conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a vessel to be registered in their registers and granted the right to fly their flag , but , in exercising that power , the member states must comply with the rules of Community law .
6 This is a matter of subsidiarity : ‘ it is for the Member States to decide on the future of the contract of employment or employment relationship . ’
7 By the early 1960s Euratom had sunk further into decline , suffering an increasing shortage of funding as the member states preferred to give priority to their own national programmes .
8 Referring to the June draft treaty in its aims to build upon the Single European Act by strengthening co-operation on foreign and security policy , he made the point that , as the Gulf conflict had shown , there was a considerable difference between the member states , but that there had been a considerable degree of united action in supporting the new democracies in central and eastern Europe in relation to the Baltic states and in promoting the Prime Minister 's safe havens initiative .
9 there are great variations between the member states .
10 The Philip Morris doctrine means that a merger may be caught by Article 85 if at least two competitors or potential competitors are involved and if the market behaviour of one or more of those concerned in the merger is likely to be influenced so as to distort competition and have an appreciable effect on trade between the Member States .
11 The disappearance of customs ' posts in that date between the member States had caused concern that there would be a haemorrhage of national treasures from country to country and out of the EEC itself .
12 The report follows an EC directive in which the member countries are provided with the option of realigning their VAT policy by January 1993 in accord with a Community guideline that aims to prevent unfair competition between the member states .
13 The Danish Government emphasised the correlation which must exist between the member states ' quotas and the local fishing areas which the quotas were to benefit .
14 Treaty in relations between the member states does not jeopardise non-member countries ' rights under the Geneva Convention of 1958 , the United Kingdom can not rely on that Convention in order to justify infringements of those rules .
15 Despite differences between the member states , the development of the community clearly demonstrates a process of integration .
16 These include common rules on asylum ( where there is a further overlap with the Dublin Convention of 15 June 1990 between the Member States of the Community ) , mutual assistance in police and security matters , judicial co-operation in criminal matters and co-operation in the fight against drugs , as well as the creation of a Schengen Information System .
17 I do not think that there is any question in the Community of the boundaries between the member states .
18 Annex IV of the draft treaty on European union refers to the ’ Agreement concluded between the member states of the European Community with the exception of the United Kingdom . ’
19 The question of budgetary reform aroused considerable tensions between the member states during this period , with Spain and Portugal pressing other member countries to agree to direct more EC funds to its poorer members .
20 An overseas individual subscriber not registered for VAT , who may previously have incurred VAT through the member state 's post office collection system , will now benefit from a VAT-free magazine , simply because the UK legislation specifically zero-rates those goods — at least for the time being !
21 The electorates of the members states elect the European Parliament
22 The Commission is currently demanding greater powers to pronounce on merger policy over the heads of the member states .
23 While in Germany ‘ there is much common ground between the Bundesbank and the government on economic objectives ’ , it is precisely because Pöhl knew that this national consensus did not exist in the Community at large that he and the German government insisted on means of enforcing German policies on the economies of the member states .
24 No one should be in any doubt that the intention is to control the economies of the member states .
25 In the Single European Act of 1986 there is a proviso that ‘ the institutions of the Community shall take care not to prejudice the internal or external financial stability of the member states ’ .
26 They were soon repudiated by ten of the Member States , including Britain , but for different reasons , some tactical , some in principle and some ( especially German ) because the Dutch proposals did not go far enough .
27 The British position had been to press for intergovernmental co-operation on foreign , security and judicial matters ( outside the European Community as such ) and to emphasise the deepening of the democracy of the national parliaments of the Member States rather than of the European Parliament itself .
28 Reliable comparative statistics are hard to find but the European Commission has published some figures showing the relative purchasing power of pensions in each of the member states .
29 As a result of some 40 sub-projects involving all the Member States ( and often several groups within each one ) , databases of topography , soils , water resources and quality , biotopes , atmospheric emissions , climate , soil erosion and administrative boundaries have been built up for the whole Community and can be interrelated ; other data sets ( such as land cover , derived from satellite imagery ) have already been compiled for some of the Member States .
30 Students who are nationals of one of the member states of the European Community ( other than the United Kingdom ) and who are accepted on undergraduate courses at the University of Ulster will , in most cases , be eligible to receive a mandatory award to cover the payment of fees .
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