Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 He gave instructions for the playground to be searched .
2 They were however years of pleasure compared with the five which were to follow , when , with his successor Neville Chamberlain first out of 10 , Downing Street and then dead in six months , Baldwin became a target of resentment for the perils to which the nation found itself exposed .
3 7.2 Landlord to insure The Landlord covenants with the Tenant to insure the Premises and the Retained Parts [ subject to the Tenant paying the Insurance Rent ] unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act of the Tenant or by anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] While it would be preferable for the insurance to be in the joint names of the landlord and the tenant in order to give the tenant more control over the insurance and to avoid the problem of subrogation referred to below , landlords tend to resist this , presumably on the basis that they wish to retain absolute control and not rely on the tenant in any way as regards the insurance cover .
4 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
5 ‘ So , at least you do n't deny that you are responsible for the damage to my car ? ’
6 ‘ Perhaps now you can appreciate my dilemma — about paying for the damage to your car ? ’
7 If the Policyholder was unaware of the faulty roof or did not have reasonable time in which to carry out repairs , then it is in order to deal with the claim for the damage to the internal decorations and/or contents but not the repairs to the roof , which the Policyholder should have carried out as soon as possible .
8 Such damage normally involves earth retaining walls but unless the private residence is also damaged at the same time , there would be no cover for the damage to the wall under this section of the policy .
9 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
10 As far as property damage is concerned , the provisions are really aimed at the consumer market , so , if you buy a home computer as a Christmas present for your uncle and because of a fault it catches fire and causes £1,500 of damage to his house , then your uncle will have a claim under the 1987 Act against the manufacturer of the computer for the damage to the house and furniture .
11 As regards Bob 's liability for the damage to Alan 's car , the exclusionary notice would be subjected to a reasonableness test .
12 The teenager was ordered to pay £54.34 compensation for the damage to the car .
13 One could not do exercises without knowing which exercises one was doing — especially as active mental involvement is needed for the exercises to be effective !
14 The conservatism of central and local government bureaucracy is only likely to be overcome if there is a strong , independent political movement keeping up the pressure for the legislation to be made meaningful .
15 Surely this alone would be sufficient justification for the privilege to be withdrawn .
16 A second prominent pattern of land use along the frontages appears for the present to be confined to those sites with a marked agricultural bias .
17 It was an ‘ evolutionary ’ model that was being proposed , and it was endorsed by the Council , which asked for further work to be done on some details , and for the proposals to be published .
18 He takes yachts from wherever they 've been laid up for the winter to their summer cruising grounds . ’
19 It is important for the patient to be aware of the limitations likely to be caused by his spasticity .
20 Although the ultimate goal of rehabilitation is for the patient to be able to walk and function independently , not all patients can be expected to recover fully .
21 The best approach is for the patient to be totally independent if at all possible .
22 I had not realized how close they had been but she grieved for a long while for the grandmother to whom she had felt close and in whom she had found it easy to confide .
23 It is important for the organ to be properly covered by insurance , but making it available to students costs little and is again an investment for the future .
24 It is therefore important for the deposit to be held by a professional conveyancer as a stakeholder at some stage in any given conveyancing chain .
25 It is now common practice for the deposit to be passed along the chain as previously described .
26 The signal for the lights to be fused will be given by Wing Commander Sawyer here . ’
27 It is therefore entirely proper for the directors to be given proper assurances by Government about the funding of a project undertaken on behalf of Government .
28 5.15 Re-letting boards To permit the Landlord at any time during the last [ 6 ] months of the Contractual Term and at any time thereafter [ unless the Tenant shall have made a valid court application under Section 24 of the 1954 Act or otherwise be entitled in law to remain in occupation or to a new tenancy of the Premises ] [ ( or sooner if the rents or any part of them shall be in arrear and unpaid for longer than [ 28 ] days ) ] to enter upon the Premises and affix and retain anywhere upon the Premises a notice for re-letting the Premises and during such period to permit persons with the written authority of the Landlord or [ its ] agent at reasonable times of the day to view the Premises It is not unreasonable for the landlord to be entitled to erect a re-letting board at the premises within a reasonable period prior to the termination of the term unless the tenant proposes to apply for a new tenancy of the premises , provided that the board is in a position so as not to interfere with the tenant 's or any undertenant 's business being carried on at the premises .
29 You can ask for the visits to be extended , but before you get that you 're taken to the governor and asked why you want it longer and who is coming to visit you .
30 ‘ Nevertheless , ’ Artai said , ‘ We have issued our order for the watch to be strengthened . ’
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