Example sentences of "[prep] fact [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This is a question of fact but it is crucial .
2 It was further submitted by Mr. Coghlan that it is important in this field that the law should be clear and simple : it is for a coroner to ask himself on any given state of fact whether he would describe the death as unnatural or not .
3 And we it was fourth year when we done it and we 'd never been shown anything like that and it was interesting because it 's the sort of fact that you you never really think about
4 I mean she wo she says pardon me or excuse me , but it 's so matter of fact that I 'd be I could never burp like that if I tried , you know .
5 But nevertheless , it is a matter of fact that there is a difference of seven hundred and fifty dwellings , in the base dwellings that we 've used .
6 In relation to history , for example , he argues that history is a world of thought or ideas and not a world of fact since nothing is simply ‘ given ’ .
7 The individual who 's gon na be assertive is likely to be open and honest or likely to admit things that are not so good at honest those , but they 're not gon na necessarily apologise for those , they 're gon na treat those as statements of fact and they 're certainly gon na try and involve other people and actually say what do you think this , what are some ways forward er but it does n't mean that they 're gon na be walked all over and they still stand up for the things that they firmly believe in .
8 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
9 He lived in at that time just over the road er down the road here and then something went wrong during the war that was over my father and er cos matter of fact when my father come off the dredger erm the Harbourmaster wanted to give him er he give him the push and turned round and he said my father name was .
10 Proving ignorance of facts that one might or might not have known is impossible , unless one has been in a well-documented coma .
11 Consequently , unless we are convinced of the possibility of a reductive account of knowledge , let us not tie our hands by refusing to make use of facts that we know to be true .
12 A distinction may be taken between persuasion and mere advice , and advice in the sense of ‘ a mere statement of , or drawing of the attention of the party addressed to , the state of facts as they were , ’ is not actionable .
13 But modern children have a lot of facts and it 's the interpretation of facts and feelings that makes them civilised . ’
14 Lawyer Loveitt had his head stuffed full of facts and he 'd said all men were free in England .
15 This past mental act of meaning is a grammatical fiction , but it seems more like fact when it provides the material for an answer to the question , ‘ What does the word ‘ mean ’ stand for ? ’
16 Because in fact although it 's written from there all the way up to there , erm that is it starts at the C above middle C and goes up
17 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
18 Linda had her own part-time job helping out at Oxfam and listening to infants read at the nearby Primary School , so she had less time in fact than her husband , for Frank had been made redundant from his job in electronics in October .
19 What are possibly the rubbish heaps of Our Mutual Friend loomed even larger in fact than they do in fiction .
20 we were , we were furniture made , you know , all we thought about was the home and in fact once we could n't afford any wall paper we were decorating so George painted the wall white and we got saucepan lids , and even the dustbin lid and with er , er , a black pen , felt type pen I suppose although felt pens were n't out then
21 In fact once it reaches a large size , or starts to breed , territoriality will almost certainly make private quarters a necessity — it is relatively peaceful in relation to its size , but — and this applies to many other Central American substrate spawners — it is unreasonable to expect a fish with a natural breeding territory of 10 or more feet in diameter to share a tank with anything else .
22 are as an instance do that , the present government er last year , in fact since it some over , it was the seventy nine , er nineteen seventy nine .
23 And then he did something else he had not done for decades , in fact since he was a boy in his beloved Poland .
24 In fact since my sister is likely to share half my genes my behaviour is probably only one-half less fit than if I had behaved totally selfishly .
25 In fact while we find duces in charge of groups of civitates , they also appear as leaders of royal armies , without any clear geographical base , and they were to be found engaged in a wide variety of other activites , including diplomatic missions .
26 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
27 High above the disc the second albatross soared ; so high in fact that its tiny mad orange eyes could see the whole of the world and the great , glittering , girdling Circle Sea .
28 Suppose in fact that they can only estimate accurately the total and average cost of the output level the firm is currently producing .
29 People are rational , so rational in fact that they can not understand the random nature of the decisions such senior executives make .
30 So much so in fact that they 'll be looking to you to help them actually .
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