Example sentences of "[prep] much of his " in BNC.

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1 Faced with an actor reading , as Alan Bates did for much of his one-man show at Edinburgh this year , you 're tempted to conclude that he 's a little under-rehearsed .
2 His own father , Prince Philip , was in the Navy for much of his childhood and the relationship between father and son was in any event a difficult one .
3 He is a remarkable old man in any setting , but in the bushveld of southern Africa , where he was born and has lived for much of his life , he was in his element .
4 For much of his reign they persistently took advantage of Charles ' absence in Italy or Spain to revolt against his rule .
5 It equally informs us that as one of the results of his ‘ innovative ’ study ‘ Gale also shows us a Darwin who relied on the help of other scholars for much of his work on species .
6 When Ellcock announced his retirement from first-class cricket at the age of 216 after Middlesex 's pre-season tour to Portugal , he was finally admitting defeat in a struggle to overcome back problems he has been fighting for much of his 10-year career .
7 The rector of Weston-Longville in Norfolk was well placed to appreciate the contrast between the six-figure income of Prinny at Carlton House , the building of which accounted for much of his debt , and the nine pounds annual wage he paid his servant Ben Leggatt .
8 And he blames his rapid rise to stardom , while still in his early 20s , for much of his reaction against acting .
9 For much of his life Burton had an unslakeable appetite for sex , a great talent for affection , and a genius to arouse .
10 But in keeping with the Littlewoods culture , he was a local man , Liverpool-born and working there for much of his life .
11 The middle-class man , on the other hand , could predict a rising income for much of his life .
12 For much of his Mastership the stipend paid by the Company actually fell below the far from lavish £10 to only £9 .
13 Although born into a family of great wealth and influence , Herbert suffered an affliction of the eyes from an early age which made him effectively blind for much of his life .
14 There is no doubt that to his contemporaries he seemed , for much of his reign , the outstanding example of a modern and enlightened ruler .
15 If the cricket analogy is appropriate , then Saunders was hit for six during much of his ill-fated spell at Anfield where he became a scapegoat for the club 's ills .
16 Louis XIV , during much of his reign an aggressive ruler , was not a soldier by taste , outlook or training .
17 Among them is Senator Orlando Mercado , who was hounded and jailed as a broadcaster , and Senator Wigberto Tanada , whose family was persecuted by Marcos through much of his rule .
18 Perhaps some of Dryden 's early readers objected to this presumption in him ; there is no doubt that many of Pound 's readers have felt affronted , and feel affronted still , by the authority he claims , the impatiently magisterial tone of much of his criticism .
19 Its echoes of Keats and Shelley , the image of a desolate landscape with its tracery of ‘ tangled bine-stems ’ against the winter sky , its deceptively simple vocabulary , and carefully controlled metre are characteristic of much of his finest work .
20 Some of the most difficult investigations involve aircraft that crash in deep water , frequently depriving the investigator of much of his evidence .
21 Williamson 's romanticism and nature worship , on a rather lower level of theoretical conceptualisation , was to owe much to the books of Richard Jefferies , in particular the sunlight imagery of much of his work .
22 He was aware of the speculative nature of much of his work , and of the need in people to foreclose his work into a closed system .
23 It was n't his fault , but that belief formed the backbone of much of his politics , actually .
24 His contemporary reputation is confirmed by the extended life of much of his output and by the widespread plagiarism of his productions .
25 It would seem that , despite the obscurity of much of his career , Swinderby was a considerable influence in the early spread of Lollardy .
26 With his popularity falling in the opinion polls , and the prospect of much of his planned legislative programme becoming paralysed by the Diet 's preoccupation with the two scandals , Miyazawa even hinted that he was considering calling an early general election .
27 Mozart 's 17 piano sonatas also show Haydn 's influence , but , like much of his music , works such as No 8 in A minor and No 14 in C minor betray a depth of emotion which only rarely invests Haydn 's music .
28 Although Barry had consistently denied the drug accusations which had bedeviled him throughout much of his time in office , pressure upon him increased significantly following his discovery in December 1988 in a Washington hotel room by police who had arrived to investigate drug allegations against Charles Lewis , a friend of Barry 's .
29 I agree with much of his interpretation and find that my understanding of the Chewong coincides in many instances with his of the Semai .
30 He must be ready to speculate , for the sources ( in this case the chronicles and records of government which provide him with much of his material ) do not always come up to expectation .
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