Example sentences of "[prep] every [adj] one " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So she got rid of every last one ? ’
2 He loved Encyclopaedias ; especially the ones with the old pictures in , and he knew the names of every single one in the library .
3 And the artist took a bite out of every single one .
4 This train , like every other one , was packed to the doors , and when it was left in sidings periodically to allow trains of troops , and ammunition and essential war materials to plod by , the hum of conversation hung about the carriages almost tangibly .
5 We could take this illustration too far — but I would like you to look upon yourselves as conductors , setting the tempo of the class , listening and looking for every discordant note — and for every good one — helping by encouragement — and asking questions , for instance " Are you working as hard as you could ? "
6 Thus we produced a ratio of three sterile males for every normal one caught resting in the wild ; but we could detect little mating between sterile males and wild females .
7 Actually , I chew on a piece of mozzarella and merely wish that I 'd thought of bringing a silver pistol , because , let's face it , Dudley Moore played Patch the Elf in the 40-million-dollar Santa Claus — The Movie which unlike say Ishtar or Hudson Hawk , is consistently unbearable for every single one of its sad seconds .
8 Is n't it more likely to be wrong , because there are many possible incorrect statements for every true one ?
9 Those five gates of hell , he 'd be put through every single one of them .
10 Each strategy was paired off in turn with every other one ( including a copy of itself ) to play Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma .
11 Each addressed location in one of my sperms corresponds to a particular addressed location in every other one of my sperms , and in every one of your eggs ( or sperms ) .
12 The net effect of the Acts of 1918 and 1921 was thus to improve the Unionist position by a hundred seats , not just in that parliament but in every succeeding one too .
13 As there is no possibility of any Government in the Community , certainly no British Government and certainly no Labour Government , not referring to their Parliament for a mandate before taking a step into entering monetary union , the opt-out clause simply codifies what will happen in any case , I believe , in every single one of the European Community democracies .
14 But whatever those proposals may be , schools now will have the opportunity of opting out , and I think it 's a fair guess that if the opting out legislation had been in place when comprehensive education was imposed upon this county in 1964 , you would probably have found a great number of the grammar schools would have opted out , using the legislation , and I have no doubt whatsoever that in every single one of those cases you would have had a large majority of parents in support of that .
15 If this was true , any piece of DNA was just like any other piece , whereas every gene must be different from every other one .
16 If the surface of the earth was covered to a depth of one metre in protein molecules , each one different from every other one , and if each molecule changed into another one once a second , and had done so since the origin of the earth , there would have been time to try out only a minute fraction of the possible sequences .
17 Somebody calculated that if the surface of the earth was covered with a layer of protein molecules a metre thick , right over the whole surface of the earth erm each one , each protein different from every other one , and let us suppose furthermore that each of these proteins had been changing once as second , uniquely , into some different kind ever since the formation of the earth , we would still have tried out only quite a small fraction of the available possible proteins a hundred amino acids long .
18 Okay No sorry I did n't make that clear erm mark every fifth put the number on every fifth one .
19 I did n't have the lowdown on every last one of these guys but presumably they were all bigshots .
20 but they 've got so much there 's eight tanks or something to every fucking one of ours
21 Do you have to listen to every single one of those tapes ?
22 ‘ She looked at every single one of the hundreds of photos and could n't stop smiling at the memory .
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