Example sentences of "[prep] great [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 All of these took place on the eve of or during the decades of greatest activity in antislavery .
2 The north of England and Scotland have traditionally been the areas of greatest activity in collected credit .
3 It is no coincidence that the areas of greatest prosperity in late twentieth-century Britain correspond to the civil area of the Roman province : at no time since the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain in AD 410 has the economic and political relationship with continental Europe been so close .
4 The county-level map of social class composition ( Figure 4.6A ) reveals the expected patterns of greatest prosperity in the shire counties of southeastern England and greatest relative deprivation in the more industrial areas of the rest of the country .
5 Ymor 's ravens were notoriously loyal to their master , to the extent that Withel 's one attempt to promote himself to the rank of greatest thief in Ankh-Morpork had cost their master 's right hand man his left eye .
6 This is the area of greatest conflict in my subject at present .
7 It is a more bracing place to be than its rival , but much faded none the less from its days of greatest success in the last century , when it formed one end of the Route Therm ale , a new road system , decreed by the Emperor Napoleon III , which was to link Eaux-Bonnes with Bagnéres-de-Bigorre to the northeast .
8 Advertising is of greatest importance in consumer markets , while personal selling is the most popular method in serving industrial markets .
9 Perhaps RICO will be of greatest use in encouraging suspects to plead guilty in return for dropping the RICO penalties .
10 Family run 17th century country house of great charm in the heart of the Quantock Hills with 23 tastefully furnished bedrooms .
11 The parents did not escape criticism : " the attendance of many of the boys was very far from satisfactory , parents having largely contracted habits of great laxity in absenting their children for trifling reasons " .
12 Also , Lord God , we ask that you remember the dark deeds of any communistic so-called-interrogators , in this time of great upheaval in eastern Europe ; we know that you will not forget their crimes when their day of reckoning comes , and their guttural , Slavic voices cry out to ye for mercy , and ye reward them with all the compassion they ever showed to those unfortunate souls delivered unto them .
13 Certainly his spell in Africa coincided with a period of great upheaval in the former empire countries that accounted for much of Grant 's small overseas markets at the time .
14 ‘ Oh , this will be of great help in ordering raw materials , but sometimes we get part deliveries , could we have an extra facility to deal with those ?
15 Fortunately , a framework was recently developed which is of great help in delineating appropriate value-adding roles for librarians and information scientists .
16 Again the design of the sea-lion enclosure has been of great help in the management of these attractive marine mammals .
17 The information will be of great help in preparing my remarks to the conference which will take place in Oxford in April .
18 ‘ They are great pals , the prince enjoys her company and he has found her of great help in the recent troubles he has had at home .
19 In this chapter it has been argued that the uncertainty map can be of great help in managing such a portfolio .
20 The accountant can be of great help in a staff relationship to the project leader in keeping the project expenditure under control .
21 The accountant can be of great help in a staff relationship to the project leader in keeping the project expenditure under control .
22 This is not entirely unconnected to another feature of the economies of many Third World countries that has become of great salience in recent years , namely their foreign debt and the eff–ct that servicing that debt , particularly in times of rising and unpredictable interest rates , has on economic and social planning .
23 So , spring is the time of great activity in the bird world , and few events are more exciting to birdwatchers in Shetland than the spring passage of migrants .
24 The seventy-five years preceding 1066 were a time of great activity in the Canterbury scriptorium , which produced a number of magnificently-illustrated gospel and service-books , as well as many more mundane volumes apparently intended to form a new cathedral library .
25 It was a time of great alarm in the Hindu heavens , for Ravana , the Rakshasa king of Lanka , had obtained terrible powers and was threatening the world .
26 Someone of great influence in Britain must have exercised it on his behalf but who did so is not known .
27 by the collapse of the three old elites [ land , finance and industry ] and their merger into one elite , dominated by the South of England and finance , with its London-based associates of great influence in twentieth-century society , like the Civil Service and the professions , the familiar ‘ establishment ’ of fact and fiction ( quoted in Coates , 1984 , p. 117 ) .
28 One man of great influence in public relations , Edward L Bernays , a nephew of Sigmund Freud , emerged during this time in America .
29 The experiences of older drug addicts , for example , might well be of great influence in the education of young people and in the understanding of drug and other crime cultures .
30 Many positions of great influence in British society are filled by individuals who carry out the duties of their office for no monetary reward at all .
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