Example sentences of "[prep] case i was " in BNC.

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1 I was a little unsettled by the fury of the blizzard , and hugged the top of the ridge all the way along , but avoided taking in the top due west of Cairn Gorm in case I was blown off my feet .
2 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
3 I was always on my guard , always playing the ‘ macho ’ role but always worried sick in case I was found out .
4 I just wanted a reason for having been out , in case I was caught coming back . ’
5 This can be proved by comments from the accused to the effect ‘ I carried it to use in case I was ever attacked ’ .
6 When they reached their van they drove off a short distance in case I was observing them .
7 I found a road away from the beach , and walked very quietly and carefully along , in case I was attacked .
8 So I dressed and waited in my room , in case I was needed .
9 Seven o'clock in the morning at seven o'clock till four , I think it was and then er it would be two till ten , you see , but the Stationmaster was always about just in case I was late er you know , not there by seven .
10 He said to go shopping the next day in case I was being watched .
11 He put a forefinger to his temple to illustrate thinking , just in case I was n't following .
12 But you dare n't take the risk of trying it on in case I was calling your bluff and would refuse you .
13 today I 'll do my hair tomorrow just in case I was going
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